Monday, February 27, 2012

Proverbs 8                                                                                                            

Good Morning Son,

There will be times in your life that you do something really stupid. I did such a thing yesterday. We learn from our mistakes, intentional or unintentional through our experiences. The reason that I advise you to read both Psalms and Proverbs each day is because one, Proverbs, deals more with man to man relations and the other, Psalms, deals more with the relationship between God and man. Our actions man to man are affected by our understanding of our relationship with our God, man to man. Our God to man. So although the readings may seem to be nice tight boxes – like men think – it is more like spaghetti, where everything touches everything else – like women like women think. Thus where we do a stupid act on the man to man level it is directly related to the relationship we have with God. If I have not completely confused you – let me go one step further – man, in relationship with God, acts in relationship with man.

Proverbs 8:1-5 “Does not wisdom call, and does not understanding raise her voice? On the heights, beside the way, at the crossroads she takes he stand; beside the gates in front of the town, at the entrance of the portals she cries out: To you, O people, I call, and my cry is to all that live. O simple ones, learn prudence; acquire intelligence, you who lack it.”

Let's look at this quick and “clean” (“dirty” just didn't seem an appropriate word to use LOL)

Take notice that wisdom and understanding is calling out.
  • Whenever you lack wisdom or understanding you can be assured that it exists for the circumstance you are in.
Note all the places they may be found.
  • Is there a good book, a TV show which may be helpful, or even an examination of nature. Yes all truth resides within the Word. And this truth says it, wisdom and understanding is everywhere. Open you eyes, read, pray and let the Holy Spirit enlighten you as to what is in your presence. Examine all your discoveries in light of His truth, all recommendations and advise. You will find what you seek.
Note that it is to the living that she cries.
  • To the Hebrew God was and is the source of all life. To be truly alive you must have Him, you must be walking by His dictates, His character, etc. Otherwise you were walking dead. But the word used here in its context is to all – including the walking dead. The writer no doubts hopes though that the LIVING will see it – you and I.
The simple are encouraged to gain prudence and those lacking intelligence to acquire it.
  • Prudence and Intelligence. What is prudence? Perhaps we can learn from its synonyms: care, carefulness, caution, circumspection, consideration, discretion, foresight, forethought, judiciousness, judgment. Absent prudence and intelligence we are “simple.” Being simple doesn't sound all that bad does it? Well let me complete the understanding – in context “simple minded.” You can stay there if you want, but I for one do not wish to stay there.

Remember my stupid or rather “simple minded act.” It got put me in some very hot water with the momma P. Wisdom calls out everywhere – I told the truth. A wise act, and yet a painful one also. Sometimes silence is more painful than open rebuke. I know some “friends” that would have recommended that I not go home. Apply the truth of the word to that recommendation proves them no friends at all in that advice. So I did go home, and what happened.

Now if you know Dutchess – our dog (David, I know it was yours but I am not so sure we, okay I will be able to part with her when you graduate – forewarning, LOL), you know that although she doesn't speak english or spanish she does understand both. In addition she is a very good judge of situations, emotions and people. And she is a great defender of momma. If Momma P. is pissed off at me, you can rest assure that Dutchess will let me know. So, I expected to be given quite the cold shoulder from her this morning. And you can imagine the surprise when all she wanted to do was stay close to me and be rubbed, and in my presence. I walked her and thought that she would then leave me alone to take care of my business. But no, she would not. She kept coming back to me, jumping up on me, and bothering me. I tried to walk her again but she refused to go out. Then I noticed that she would not eat unless I was standing right there. When I left the room, she followed. Bugged me till I returned, and then she would eat some more.

When I spoke to Momma P telling her this and putting my spin on it, “I can tell I was talked about a lot.” She responded, “Not at all. She just misses you.”

My eyes have been full ever sense. Momma P applied wisdom and understanding. She reached my heart. It was not a whipping, a nagging or a plea. It was just a powerful simple application of wisdom and understanding to a situation which will not be repeated, which brought through the truth of God's love through her for me, a love which is first. I am home. I could think of no stronger a message to illustrate most powerfully the impact of the man to man interaction based upon the man to God relationship.

As you study the words which leap off the pages to you today in Proverbs 8 and Psalms 8, don't forget to apply them. It is of impact to both you and the world you have been placed in.

Love yah,


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