Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Proverbs 14                                                                                                                              

Good morning my son,                                                                                                                         

I trust that you had a good night of sleep. I slept well. But woke up with my head aching. And I think I know why. Thinking.

I have a lot of decisions to make, small and big, and I am just plain tired of thinking. I realize I am responsible for my decisions. I realize that to make them without thinking them through is a foolish thing to do, and yet, I am still tired of thinking. Persons have told me in the past that I over analyze stuff. That I should not be concerned with where a path may be taking me. Just relax and “Laizze le bon temps roule!” - french for “Let the good times roll!” Indeed it does feel good to not think and just live . . . for a short period of time, for a season. But is it wise?

Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”

Proverbs 14:14 “The faithless will be fully repaid for their ways, and the good man rewarded for his.

When you read Proverbs 14 today, take a look at how much that is talked about there requires contemplation or thinking. What doesn't require it relates back to it such as vs. 12 above. Here it clearly lets you know that directions and decisions that you make may seem okay with you but actually will destroy you. I've heard it called, “stinking thinking.” That sounds okay, except for the fact that it implies that the thinking is wrong on its face, not sincere, faulty in some manner that we know but choose, for whatever reason, to ignore. Here in this passage the thinking which leads to the decision seems okay, indeed it seems right, but in reality it is not. In reality it leads to death.

It is important to note that this ability to get it wrong is not limited to the unrighteous or heathen, those who do not know or want to know God and His love for them, but is capable by all. His children, you and I are not immune to getting it wrong.

If you stop here in your study of the verse all you have is a warning to think right, to choose your path carefully. Unfortunately you would have no standard. However, carefully looking at the verse you do see that the standard being applied in our belief that the path is okay to take is man . . . “seems right to a man.” Not the path that is right by God's direction, but man's.

Proverbs 14:14 tells us that a good man's way will be rewarded. That if you choose the correct path, God's path and follow it – if your thinking is in accord with God's – then you will be rewarded accordingly. In addition it gives us a way of identifying the path.

Sometimes a tremendous amount of insight can be gained in understanding a passage by looking at different translations. Above we have the New International Version. Let's look at it in the New Revised Standard Version.

Proverbs 14:14 “The perverse gets what their ways deserve, and the good, what their deeds deserve.”

Instead of “faithless” they use “perverse.” The scholars interpreting the manuscript here chose to make a distinction between “ways” and “deeds.” Perhaps what they are saying is that the “perverse” or “faithless” their “way” is contrary to God's by very design and therefore all their “deeds” which are taken because of their chosen “way” naturally don't result in anything good. However, the “good” or by implied contrast interpretation, the “good” or the “those full of faith” get a reward of good.

This would make sense in that the bible says the “the just shall live by faith.” and you can not please God without having and living by faith in Him. What is of shock to me is that to live outside of faith is not only being “faithless” but “perverse.”

Do you see it . . . it is the intended order of a loving God that we live in a relationship with Him whereby we, by faith, plan our way. It is not abnormal to have our journey, our way dictated by God through our faith and calling upon Him but it is the intended norm! Our thoughts, our thinking process should be in accord with His. And as His power and authority are limitless, and as He sees all, knows all, and is in control of all – it should not be any surprise for us at all that the path that He may direct us on is beyond our capabilities to do in and of ourselves and is beyond our understanding, an understanding which absent God is limited to our perspective as man.

So what are we to do? Do we really have to be concerned about vs. 12 – about choosing a way which may seem right to us but leads to death?

Yes, if we are not following what God has said for us to do. Yes, if our “deeds” do not mirror the God living inside of us through His Holy Spirit, and the written word which has been given to us – you know the bible. Yes, if we are not thinking in accordance with the mind of Christ. Yes, if we are deliberately choosing not to do that which we know is His will. Yes, if we have decided to wall by sight and not by faith – to live the perverse life, the abnormal and not the intended norm for His children and indeed all mankind. See it is God's design that our path show forth to the world that we “walk by faith and not by sight” (look it up).

I may be tired of thinking. Yes, indeed I am. But partly because it is me trying to figure out all the ins and outs. God charges us to seek diligently for wisdom and to gain understanding. This tells me in any case it will not be an easy process. But WHERE I place my thoughts and by whose standard I am willing to abide by, . . . . well if it is in accordance with His mind . . . He then accomplishes His will in my life and I receive the good reward for my labor.

Take a look at your plans. Are they in accordance with His word. Are you just “be-bopping” along, “whatever will be will be?” When you take a look at your life – does any scriptures pop up in your head which might raise some concern about the path you are taking, your decisions? Are you in a relationship which you feel necessary because of your need or because they are a nice person, you don't want to hurt them, or perhaps you wonder who else would I be with – I would whether be with them rather than alone? Do you fear God more than you fear the loss of “whatever” if you would follow Him? Do you not know that God loves you and is willing and able to fulfill every God given desire even that of companionship when it is best for you? He loves you better than anyone one else? Do you really believe that? And if you say you do, then why not follow His plan as His plan will be the best for you.

I love you, but God loves you best. Take some time today to seek him. Read Proverbs 14 and Psalm 14 in their entirety. I think you will find some parallels between Proverbs and Psalm. Be sure to write down what leaps off the page to you, and what you think God is saying to you.

He is speaking. Are you listening?

Got Word?

Love yah,


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