Monday, February 27, 2012

Proverbs 7                                                                                                     

Good morning my son,

Well I did weigh myself yesterday and . . . it wasn’t as bad as I
thought or imagined it to be.  Bad but not AS bad.

But it could have been so much better news.  I just can’t imagine how
all those pounds got on me!  I think every donut shop should be burned
to the ground!  And bagel’s – that holy fat muffin – they should all
be banned except for marathon runners, the night before.  They did it
to me!  Or did they?

Three words leaped off the page to me this morning in Proverbs 7 found
in verse 22:

“All at once . . .”

Out of all that is written there these three words looked up at me and
played back a recording of my excuses for going against God’s will in
so many areas of my life . . . see God its not my fault . . .  the
urge just all the sudden over took me . . . I just couldn’t resist . .
. it attacked me . . . I was just temporarily pushed out of control .
. . it just happened so fast, I didn’t have time to think . . . see
its not my fault.

Oh, and as a minister I can wax all religious about it too.  It was not
me that did it but as the Apostle Paul wrote, but sin given power
through the law, residing in the members of my flesh rose up suddenly
and took control so that that which I did not want to do, that is what
I did – you know the “devil made me do it” justification.  Forget all
that writing about but thanks be to God who gives us the power of sin
. . . oh, Paul just wanted to protect his reputation lest you start
thinking that he too was a sinner, or perhaps he just wanted us to
think that we indeed had some power, or at least PAUL did that made
him able to have the victory.  But us – well – we still have the
comfort of complete surprise, being overtaken by our sinful desires,
of having no way to keep from falling – see it happened “all at once .
. .” The devil made me do it.  Right?


See those words bugged the heck out of me simply because they seem SO
very out of place.  From verse 6 – 21 the writer tells you how you get
entrapped in this sexual sin . . . We move near her house walking
towards it(vs 8); under cover of darkness we move (vs 9). We don’t run
when she comes out to meet us (vs10). We notice her dress but do not
pull away instead we give her the once, twice okay you know it three
look over. We are not surprised to find her there for we know
everywhere she is going to be – all places we have purposefully headed
to and all places where her legs should not be (the Hebrew word is
both feet and legs – an open invitation). (vs 11-12). We let her get
so close to us that she can take our face and kiss us (vs13).

I must pause and ask – is this all her fault?  Poor Adam, Eve just
stood there right by Satan talking with the serpent with Adam right
there listening and then she ate and then handed the fruit over to
Adam to eat.  Adam was taken by complete surprise!  Why, just because
he was right there when the conversation was occurring; just because
he did not say anything – of course he was just being the “silent and
strong type of man” anyway we all know Eve was a “strong liberated
woman” what could poor little manly Adam do – so Adam was silent and
then of couse since she offered it to him he had to take it – what
else was he to do, she gave it up, it was right there, what would she
have thought of him if he said no – is he gay?  Oh, I’m sorry did I
switch the scene a little.  The opposite sex offers it up and you
don’t take it – you don’t lay down that pipe, show her who the man is
– she offered – you have no choice! You be the man and now – you have
to prove it!  Let the horizontal pogo stick dance begin!  Its your
duty right! You gay?

Just because its offered doesn’t mean you have to take it.  If I dared
you to “do it” with or without a physical protection – condom – would
you?  Prove you are righteous, that God is with you.  He will forgive
you right? And he promises to protect you.  And anyway if he REALLY
loves you He will heal you.  I think I know where the next healing
revival is located.  Anyway who will know?  And by the way, that one I
want to be with is a Christian too.  They are religious too!  Are we
not blessed – a righteous field to plant my seed in!  See it says she
has already given her sacrifice at the temple and has the meat for
sharing just for you (vs 14)  and at her home she has made all things
ready – okay, today’s day and time you know where the motel is and
Motel 6 promises that they will always “leave the light on for you.”
They are ready the bead is prepared, smells awesome! (vs 16 -17).

Oh I missed something this is ONLY for you.  You are the only one –
for tonight – okay, for the hour – okay, we may run a “train” so, not
really the ONLY one but don’t worry she only has eyes for you . . .
well I think it is you she is looking at . . . (vs15) Anyway she came
out looking for you, isn’t that worth something – the perfume, the
push-up bra, fake eyelashes, padded underwear and stretch lycra
designer jeans.  Its all for you.  You owe her, right? She’s offering
and no one will be home for ours – the one she truly should be with is
gone or if she is still single – he isn’t in her life yet, so who
cares right? (vs 18-20).  And boy can she talk!  She is sooo smooth
and cool.  She could talk the pants off . . . wow! That’s exactly what
she is trying to do (vs 21).  And now . . .

“All at once he followed her . . .”

“ALL AT ONCE . . . “  Really?  NO REALLY?  REALLY!!??!!

NOT AT ALL!  This has been in the works for a long time.  Funny thing
is we are not going to like the result (see the rest of the Proverbs).

So how do we keep from the “All at once . . . “ fatal screw (I started
to say “screw up” but it really is the other).  Go to the first four

“My son, keep my words  (do the word) and store up my commands within
you. (memorize scripture). Keep my commands (“flee sexual immorality”
– look it up) guard my teachings as the apple of your eye (don’t just
sit quietly when others are attacking your moral stance stand up for
what you believe – don’t just not do it – let them know WHY you are
not doing it – protect the truth within you – remember how you argued
that the Redskins would make a comeback after loosing 6 games in a row
– use that passion!). Bind them on your fingers (get a ring or a
colored band wear it as a reminder), write them on the tablet of your
heart (meditate on the word – uuummmm  ummmm ummmmmm when focusing on the word of God really does work – the monks know something).  Say to
wisdom, “You are my sister,” (if your sister was amongst a bunch of
sex crazed hungry men just released from prison would you ever leave
her side?  Would you not be observant of everything thing going on?
You would stay alert?  Do this) and call understanding your kinsman.
(okay beside her is your baby brother – half of the men there are on
the prowl homosexuals – I think you won’t be separated from either of
them will you?  And you have to have significantly more understanding
of how the same sex will be recruiting or trying to get your brother –
wisdom and understanding – seek and apply them both).


I would write about Psalm 7 but no time left to do so.  Take note that
these words apply to any sin also.  Sin rarely enters our life “all at
once . . .” No there is quite a prelude up to it, a prelude which we
are often willing participants.  But we don’t have to be . . .  God
has given us the tools.  He has laid out the map.  Where we have
fallen before, we don’t have to again.

Do it His way and you will never find yourself saying . . . “All at once . . .”

Love yah,

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