Monday, February 27, 2012

Proverbs 3                                                                                                                              

Good morning son.

Flipping the script this morning. Let's talk about Psalm 3 before Proverbs. In particular let's talk about the "sleep number bed."

The advertisers promise you will always rise up rested because you can select what level of comfort you think you need. Based upon what pain or stresses you have you determine the best setting and simply dial it up, lie down and rest. And assuming you choose the right setting for what you need - all your cares will drift away while you rest. Aww!

But what if you chose the wrong setting. you may sleep but still not rest. And will your selection really address the concerns of the day - will the problems of the day before you still be waiting on you when you rise? The verses which leaped off the page for me in both Proverbs and Psalms dealt with the issue of in who will you place your trust - in yourself or in God.

Remember you can not understand the word absent an examination of its context and usage. The entire context of Psalm 3 is in a battlefield and yet its focus is vs 5 - sleeping and waking. Historically the Hebrews said this Psalm in the morning. It is a psalm of trust. Throughout it there is contrasted the need and result of trusting in God - in maintaining a relationship with Him although the writer notes his enemies clearly see no value in it (vs 2), and yet the writer finds God to be his protection, one he can cry to and receive an answer. In his trust in God he finds the freedom not to be afraid of 10k enemies set on his destruction. So he cries to the Lord who can fight his battles while he sleeps. Indeed his confidence is NOT on his fighting expertise but on God as can be seen in who he attributes victory to - vs 8 "Deliverance belongs to the Lord . . ."

As it was verses 5 & 8 which leaped off the pages to me in Psalm 3 I was not surprised when Proverbs 3: 5-8 was what came alive for me there. Here I am admonished to "trust in the Lord with All your heart." Trusting in him encompasses more than just a magical “ouy gouy” feeling but a deliberate and purposeful act of deciding not to be limited by my own understanding but to acknowledge or consult and follow Him in all my stuff (vs 6) and he will MAKE my way straight or said another way - upright and accomplishing His purpose in your journey. In vs 7 the writer reinforces his admonition (instruction) by pointing out the result of trusting in just yourself, your wisdom, your understanding - you become wise in your own eyes.

Can you remember a time when you thought you just had it all together? You were the "cat's meow," you walked around singing bobby brown's song - "can't touch that!". No one could tell you jack. Until . . . you fell, you found out you didn't have 9 lives, and yes "that" could be touched . . . stepped on, spat on and thrown to the curb. That "wise in your own eyes” - didn't prove to be too healthy for you? It didn't for me either. So the writer couples all implicit trust in God with fearing Him and shunning or putting evil out of your life. The result? "health to your body and nourishment to your bones." I wonder which modern day medical school he went to to be able to know that if your bones are diseased and unhealthy your whole body dies. Hmmm? Trusting in God seems to be his theme for me today - even in this war and hell which may be my life, your life in this moment.

Today I can stand and walk forward trusting Him. I can rise up, well rested and do.  Take a moment and write down that thing - you know the one that just popped into your head - that thing that you have been afraid to do but deep down inside you know He wants you to do it. Commit to trust in Him and simply ask Him to flow through you this day, empowering you to do it as you actually do do it (ok don't call me to "english me" LOL).

God is an AWESOME God who sees you as an AWESOME creation of His. He loves you and wants only the best for you. you can trust Him. The "sleep number bed" doesn't have anything on Him. God's choicest blessings to you.

Love yah son,


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