Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Silence is golden . . . just like fools gold . . .

One of the hardest things that I have to do many a time is to tell myself or someone else that what they are doing is wrong, not biblical and will bring them consequences which they would not want. I would prefer in most case to be silent.

I would prefer if they heard what needed to be said from someone else. I would prefer that I be considered that quiet and wise old man . . . with the emphasis on the words quiet, and wise. I would prefer not to be the one to ruffle the feathers of persons. See I grew up hearing that “silence is golden.” I grew up being told “it is better to be silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” And for me, considering how few times I was right, I thought that silence was often the way to go.

8 When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand. 9 But if you on your part warn a wicked man to turn from his way and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life. Ezekiel 33:8-9

This was God speaking to Ezekiel. It is often this passage that motivates me to speak up. See I know I am not Jesus. I can not afford to have to pay for someone else's wrong, especially when I don't have to, when all I have to do is speak up. But to speak up seems to often get me in some kind of trouble. Generally none of us like to be told we are doing wrong. We would prefer that the other person be quiet. That is the politically correct way to handle things right? You and I should handle things as each of our understandings of the greater power, being, force, or cosmos should enlighten us through the universal energies.

Right? No! Hogwash!!

See the Lord our God, He is one. God is alive and does care about what we do and how we live. In fact, if we look at the words above we see that our warning only comes after His . . . “When I (the Lord) say to the wicked . . . and you do not speak. See oftentimes we already know we are doing wrong before another speaks.

Fools gold looks has the color of gold and is named such because it fools fools. You know it when you see its crystallized form. Someone who comes along and tells you it isn't really gold is not telling you something that you should not already know. Could telling you be important? Imagine you had 30 pounds of this “gold” and planned to pay for your house by trading it in. Wouldn't you want to know it was not gold? Which brings me to what should really be my motivation for speaking.

I should be motivated to speak because of the positive change, the life giving change that correction, that a warning can bring. I should not be motivated to speak up because of what I may fear may happen to me. Read on in Ezekiel:

As I live!’ declares the Lord God, ‘I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Ezekiel 33:11

God's reason for warning us is to save us, to bring us life, full life! His warning to us to speak up only shows us exactly how important it is to Him that each of us have the opportunity to experience His love. For us to remain silent when we know better is to say to that person, I really don't love you as much as God wants me to – I am okay with golden silence . . . I am okay with trusting on fools gold.

Fortunately for you and I, God wants us to experience the real thing . . . real gold. He knows just how awesome it is for us to live a full life, blessed from the rising of the sun to its setting – living in total and complete communion with the God who created us and loves us as we are . . . as His own.

Speaking is golden. Confirming His love for others by speaking the God's truth, in warning . . . that is our loving others. Don't be silent when you encounter fools gold. Choose to love.

Got it? Got Word?

Love yah,


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Do you have enought bread . . .

Do you have enough bread . . .

By this time it was late in the day, so his disciples came to him, “This is a remote place.” they said, “and it is already very late. Send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.” But he answered, “You give them something to eat.”
Mark 6:35-37

Some times I think God has really lost his marbles. We are worried about what we may have to eat, worried about our housing, worried about our clothing, our needs. We are in “a remote place” and “it is already very late” and we ourselves do not have what to feed ourselves, and yet He says feed, clothe, house another, . . . a stranger, . . . someone who is not our friend, . . . someone who we can not receive a favor back from . . . feed, shelter and clothe them.

You be one insane God. You are just out of your mind.

If you read on further you will find that among them they only had five loaves of bread and two fish. Not enough for twelve plus Jesus to be fed. And yet He, this Jesus dude charges them to feed the crowd . . . five THOUSAND men + women and children!

Most of the time our focus is on meeting our own needs. We have little so how will we meet our own. You must not expect me to share what I have, to give what I have been “blessed” by God to have for me, to give that up to others? Do you? Is that your plan Lord..?

No. That is not His plan. His plan is a little bit more powerful than that.

He is asking that we give up that little that we have to Him NOT to others and ask Him to bless it so that it can do His purposes.

It is His desire that we change our prayer focus not to bless us and multiply our little, but to say “here God here is what you blessed me with . . . multiply it for your purposes . . . to do what You would have it to do . . . as You see fit.”

What would happen if instead of praying for my new car I prayed, Lord here is the car you have blessed me with . . . please take it and use it fully for your purpose. You lead me where you want me to take it. You make it fully your servant. You show me who I am to pick up and carry. And if it is not enough for your purposes you do with it as you will so that what I drive might fully meet the service you intend for it to be.

Hmm. That sounds way different from the pray I have been praying . . . there is no BMW mixed anywhere in there!

The disciples did not have sufficient bread to feed themselves by and through themselves., but they did have enough bread to feed those HE purposed to feed when they gave what they had up for Him to bless and accomplish His purposes. I too have enough to do all that God has called me to do, to fulfill His purposes when I give it all back to Him to bless and do what He wants.

And was there enough for the disciples? For you and I when we give it to Christ?

They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread
and fish. Mark 6: 42-43

When you focus on what God wants and give your all to Him to accomplish it, He will accomplish His purpose and ALWAYS bless you with more than you gave to Him.

As the old offering song goes: “You can't beat God's giving. No matter how hard you try . . .”

Got it? Got Word?

Love yah,


Monday, November 12, 2012

Scaring the "day lights" out of me . . . .

When I was growing up I believed that my father used to enjoy seeing my brother and I scared. It was quite enjoyable. Well it was enjoyable for at least ONE of us at the time.

All the bedrooms were on one side of the house, including mom and dad's, and to get to them from the other side you had to pass through the living room and dining room – both great expanses of darkness once the lights were out. As the oldest son I was often tasked with going to the farthest ends of the house to turn out the lights and then make it past through the dark shadows to my bedroom.

I would turn off the light and then run as fast as I could to the hallway and the safety of our bedroom. More than once I believed that the shadows moved or I heard a growl or felt a touch on my leg, which would “scare the living day lights” out of me. Not knowing exactly what or who was chasing me, and not taking the time to find out, I would quickly change my course of direction and run not to our bedroom but dad's and mom's. I guess I knew that whatever, and whoever it was who was endangering me, in my parent's bedroom I would find safety and protection. There dad and mom would be lying up in bed waiting, apparently – after a little laughter – to comfort me.

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock. Psalm 27:4-5

I oftentimes feel like that little boy, running through the house and being scared at everything. The fears feel real. I am surprised, concerned and often times shocked by all sort of things that happen in life. A car wreck. A job loss. Financial challenges – no money but many debts to pay. An argument with someone I love, about what, I don't really understand. Promises I do not know how I will be able to keep. A health threat. Any number of things which may threaten my life. And yes, even something as little as an unexpected stubbed toe.

But like my father who would send me to turn off the lights, God knows what can really hurt me and that nothing that I fear truly can. But is what I fear trouble to me. Yes. A day of trouble and concern for me. Yes. Something that rocks my world. Yes. But He has given me a solution. I can dwell in HIS house. I can gaze upon His beauty.

And what exactly does that mean . . . to gaze upon His beauty.

Perhaps it means to look to the Lord from where my help comes? See my help comes from the God of creation which decided to be concerned about me, and yes you. What a beautiful thought.

Perhaps it means to ponder on a God who would send his only son to pay the cost for my wrongs, when he had done none. He came ahead of me, even when I did not know him or even cared that he would care. This Jesus paid the price for my meal before I even felt hungry. He made it possible for me to have covering over my head, clothes on my back and something to put my feet in when I walk. This Jesus who shows me over and over that He is real. Who, when I read His word, He speaks to me. He lets me know that I am not alone. He lets me know He is with me to deliver me . . . even from myself. Oh how beautiful! What a beautiful assurance.

Perhaps it means to remember all the times God has come through for me when I cried out to him. To know that His word has always been true. What a beautiful covenant He has with us.

As a child for me there was no man as handsome as my father. As a man, there is no God as beautiful as ours. There is no Christ like Jesus. There is no Spirit like His Spirit that is always there to lead us into all truth. Like the little boy I still am I can still run to HIS room and find safety. I can still gaze upon His beauty. I have a safe dwelling.

In Him you do too.

As a boy and as a man, the “day lights” was and is often scared out of me. In the presence of of my God the “day light” is returned. No shadows. No basis for fear.

Thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit.

Got it. Got word?

Love yah,


Saturday, November 10, 2012

In that day . . . .

In that day . . .

In that day you will say:

I will praise you, O Lord,
Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away
and you have comforted me.
Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.
The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

Psalm 12: 1-3

If it is in that day, it must not be in THIS day. See in this day I may not want to say praises to the Lord. In this day, I may still feel like I am getting the anger of the Lord all over me, like “white is on rice.”

If the Psalmist had only spoken about THAT day, I would have had taken very little time. See I do not have much time for a future day when I have to live the present one through. When I am tired and beaten from the day before, and the birth of a new day, a new sun bursting across the horizon, does not erase the hurts and pains from yesterday, or seem to lessen the load for today – I can not afford to live in the future day, it just doesn't seem to bring much consolation at THIS moment.

So why stop and look at this at all Lord? Because there is a message for today.

Surely God IS my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.

God IS my salvation in today. It is in today that I will trust and NOT be afraid. See the message is not just for tomorrow it is for today. It is in today that my trust in Him must be found. It is in today, that I have reason NOT to be afraid. It is in today that I may experience his salvation. While “the devil is riding my back,” as the old folks would say, I can find that Christ is indeed my hope and glory! It is a message for me NOW. A message for me to live out today. And if I may find myself too weak to stand:

The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.

I know where my strength is, and PRAISE GOD it is NOT found in myself, inner, outer or otherwise! Instead my strength is found in Him. It is in Him that I will stand today. It is in Him that I will face this morning and this day. It is in Him that I will walk, talk and be silent. It is in Him that I move and have my being. It is in Christ and Christ alone! See HE has become my very salvation!

In that day . . . yes . . . because it is in THIS day that I trust in Him and be not afraid. It is in THIS day that I find my strength in Him. It is in THIS day that He has become my salvation.

Got it? Got Word?

Love yah,


Friday, November 9, 2012

Where is the God of Elijah!


Where is the God of Elijah!

There are two prophets of which I am completely enamored with: Elijah and Elisha.

Look at one of the last acts of Elijah before he took a ride on a train, first class up into heaven:

Then the king sent a captain to him with his company of fifty. He went up and found the prophet sitting on a hill-top and said to him, 'Man of God, the king orders you to come down.” Elijah answered the captain, “If I am a man of God, may fire fall from heaven and consume you and your company!” Fire fell from heaven and consume the officer and his fifty men. 2Kings 1:9-10

Go read the story, this happens another time before the third man sent has learned his lesson . . .

The king sent the captain of a third company with his fifty men, and this third captain went up the hill to Elijah and knelt down before him and pleaded with him: “Man of God, consider me and these fify servants of yours, and set some value on our lives. Fire fell from heaven and consumed the other two Captains of fifty and their companies, but let my life have some value in your eyes.” 2 Kings 1:13-14

WOW! I would have liked to have seen that! Fire falling down from heaven to show that Elijah was indeed a man of God! A captain of the kings army bowing before an old man on a hill, acknowledging that the captain and his men were not the servant of the king but would be the servant of the God of kings and HIS prophet!

And then look at the first act of Elisha after Elijah is taken up into heaven:

Then he (Elisha) picked up the cloak which had fallen from Elijah, and came back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. There he too struck the water with Elijah's cloak and said, “Where is the Lord the God of Elijah?” When he struck the water, it was again divided to the right and left, and he crossed over. 2 Kings 2:13-15

WOW! Where was the Lord the God of Elijah? Right there with Elisha!

WOW! Oh if God would acknowledge that I was HIS man like that.

Without sweating: “Boss man, If I be a man of God let fire come from heaven and consume you.”
And WHOOSH! My problem is gone! And every one in the office listens to me!

“Fool for cutting me off on the freeway, If I be a man of God let the wheels of your car come off and it catch fire and burn your butt” For shorting me on my fries, . . . for not remembering my birthday, . . . for looking at me wrong . . . well, why stop there?! For THINKING wrong about me . . .


And what about having the Lord the God of Elijah working for me like he did for Elisha.

I ruined my credit, but where is the God of Elisha, when I blow on this application it will be approved with below market interest! I want a new car, where is the God of Elisha, you know Lord I need a fine ride . . . So that BMW is mine! Given to me!

Where is this God of Elijah? Am I not HIS man? Does He not care for me as much as He did Elisha?
They walked back then Lord . . . but now we ride! You understand, right . . . da . . .da . . .daddy?

For me though I have not ever seen fire fall from heaven and consume any of my enemies. Heck, I haven't even seen them get a hang nail directly because of me. Instead they seem to prosper pretty well. And as for that ride . . . well I am still sporting my 1998 Volvo with 273,000,000,000,000 miles (ok, a little exageration 272,800 miles)! A wonder why?

Funny thing about each of those instances with Elijah and Elisha it was about the power and authority of God not man. God could have ignored Elijah. But he chose not to. Why? Because the ultimate lesson learned by the soldiers, their king was not king. Their god was not God. It was not about Elijah it was about God.

And Elisha crossing over. Look back and see who was watching. All the prophets of God. The witness was for them, not Elisha. God was there.

And yes, God was with Elisha too.

Where God has needed to show up to show himself to be himself to others and myself, He has. When I have wanted him to do so for my own selfish reasons, he has not. It is not about me manipulating God for my behalf, it is about God manipulating the circumstances when needed for HIS glory!

God said we would have twins after a miscarriage where our doctors said we could have no kids. Fraternal twins are only hereditary the doctor told us, and it comes on the wife's side. Unfortunately there were none on my wife's side. Impossible. One heart beat until 2 months before delivery of David and Daniella. Then 2 heart beats. A man who had not gone to church in years returns. Not because of what Murphy said, but because of what God said and did. It was not about me, it was and always is about Him.

Where is the God of Elijah? Right here. He hasn't left and is always present to act in your life to make your life fuller in the midst of leading others to Himself.

Got it? Got Word?

Love yah,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Previous Post:  (Proverbs 10 and Psalm 40)                                                        
Good morning son,

Sorry for the delay in getting this one out. Momma P and I went out last night for our date and saw what must be one of the stupidest movies of all time. In seminary we had to take a movie and examine it for theological messages. I wish the movie we saw had been out then. “Twilight.” The theological contexts and messages were so twisted. I have sometimes wondered why we (me included at times) as people are so messed up as to these spiritual things. Last night showed me one reason.

We flirt with evil like it is good. Protect the poor vampires and werewolves. We don't want to break the truce with the humans and vampires and the werewolves. Vampires known to have to live on human blood trained to live on the blood of animals. Werewolves who “imprint” (what is that?) a female thereby allowing them to be forever protected from destruction from their own. A baby demon born of the mixture of seed from the dead and the egg from the living. We take our understanding of good and evil from Hollywood. But the place where we are supposed to get our knowledge from we do not even crack open the book. Wow! How beautiful that movie was! What great values it taught – the lead vampire would not mate with the human until after they were married in “holy matrimony.” Wow! So cool!

Really? Really!!

I am afraid to say too much more about the movie lest you decide to waste your money and go see it. I was glad it was at the dollar theater myself. So was Momma P. But I must say this, the world of evil seemed so glamorous. The wedding was exquisite. All the evil dead had mad money. The humans, not so much. And the humans walked and talked with, and accepted the vampires as one happy family. Indeed the vampires acted more like family than did the humans.

Proverbs 10:6 “Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.”

For those times that you wished that I would write less, well today you have your wish. I have very little to say. Sometimes what is before you is just so self-evident. Blessings versus violence. “Blessings crown the head” – “violence overwhelms the mouth.” I think it is rather interesting that the violence is not a choice of the wicked but it is a fact of life as it is overwhelming. They may, like our friend the vampires (sorry, still bugged by that movie), have a truce with themselves, believe that they are okay and will not drink a human's blood any more and yet the word says of the wicked (forget vampires for a moment) that violence will overwhelm them. And as for what it will overwhelm – the mouth. Ironic huh?

Throughout the bible there are verses and verses about speaking and the power of the tongue. God speaks the world into existence. God speaks from the burning bush. God speaks from heaven to the crowd when Jesus is baptized. Jesus speaks to the fig tree and it is withers away. “Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done.” Matthew 21:21
The power of what comes out of your mouth. And here the writer tells you that only violence can come out of the mouth of the wicked, for violence overwhelms their mouth.

The violence he is speaking of is the effect of their words. What may seem innocent and tranquil indeed accomplishes violence. It destroys good. It attacks the righteous. It comes against the truth. It does violence to the proper order of things. Compare this passage with the following:

Proverbs 10:21 “The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of judgment.”

From the mouth of the righteous, their speech brings nourishment to many. It builds up the person in the way that they are designed to be. It accomplishes good not evil. It supports the God designed order and life.

Take what Jesus said in Matthew quoted above. Is there a mountain of “crap” in your life? What do His words tell you to do. Speak with faith to it to get up and be cast into the sea. Now if you could actually do that, would your life improve or not? Improve right.

And indeed you can.

Okay, about now you may be like I was when this light burst through thinking, “so I can just name it and get rid of it.” The answer for that stupid boss. That co-worker who annoys the heck out of me. But may I stop you for a moment to note WHAT was the context of what Jesus was saying. It came after He had cursed a tree which did not bear fruit at a time that it was supposed to bear fruit. It was going against the order of its God's given design. Then he gives this teaching.

Are you beginning to catch on . . .

We have the power to speak to the mountains in our lives that are outside of God's order for us. Paul writes that it is sin within our flesh that draws us out against what we should do. This is going to sound funny but here I go . . . speak to it. Identify the sin in your life. Tell it to leave in the name of Jesus, and then follow up in action in accordance with the word. See for the word to work there is a requirement for “faith.” You must believe what you speak. But for there to be living faith there must be works done in accord with that faith. “Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” James 2:17 So don't go around here saying I told my body to stop desiring cigarettes and the word didn't work. Did you follow up that command with actions. Did you trash all your cigarettes. Did you begin to transform your mind about who and whose you are:

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2

In speaking to your body, did you offer your body as a “living sacrifice?” Did you examine the patterns of when and how you would choose to disobey God? Write them down? You know – when you are maybe Hungry Angry Lonely or Tired (“HALT” – good acronym for what you should do when in those conditions). The places that you are most likely to sin. Perhaps the stresses and your responses to them that help lead to it. Having identified those areas, those patterns, have you committed to not follow it any more and WRITE OUT the different responses that you are going to do when faced with them again. Look to the Word of God for strength and guidance. Continue reading Proverbs and Psalms, and the Gospels. Learn from other saints. Renew your mind. See it is not enough to simply cast something out. It is important what you put there in place of it.

But don't miss the fact that NONE of this occurs unless the speech is correct. None of this is possible if you are listening to those whose speech is overwhelmed with violence. You need to be speaking right and listening to those, the righteous, whose speech is nourishment to you.

Looking back on the movie, there were many things that really disturbed me. I guess the most obvious is the so called good which came from the actions and words of the wicked. It was like looking at a flipped parallel universe – one which does not exist but would seem to be so desirable.
Sin does not live in a parallel condition of peace with righteousness. Evil is not good and good is not evil. Big problem there.

Isaiah 5:20-21, 24 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight. . . .THEREFORE, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel.”

Got it?

Got Word? Then do it.

Love yah,


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Previous Study (Proverbs 5 and Psalm 36)                                                             

Good morning son,

Proverbs 5:21-23 “For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all his paths. The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly.”

When I was practicing law and in private practice I used to have on my conference table a crystal ball. When a young man would come before me for me to represent him in a juvenile criminal matter, I would place the ball in front of him and tell him I could read his future. I would often be laughed at, and they would always have a certain amount of doubt, but invariably they would ask me to do so. I would then ask them what they were doing now in a number of areas. See, you tell me of your decisions now, you tell me of the “bent” of your heart towards or away from God, I can tell you your future.

Well, actually all I have to do is compare what you have decided to do with what God's word says. I then simply read, what will happen.

A large part of this chapter is spent by the writer telling the young man, his son, to not get with the woman who would offer it up . . . you know, let you have your way with her, indeed entice you to do so. He describes her, tells you how she speaks, and what will happen to you if you follow her into bed. “I would not obey my teachers or listen to my instructors. I have come to the brink of utter ruin in the midst of the whole assembly.” And then he pens these words:

“For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all his paths. . .”

So . . . So what. What is the big deal? He sees and examines all my ways, all my plans, all the paths I choose to take. So what? What is HE going to do! Others do the same thing and they don't believe in Him, and they seem to get on with THEIR lives. What exactly is this God who so call loves me going to do? I am grown. The preacher man is always telling me I have a choice, so . . . so . . . I have chosen. It isn't God's choice and therefore by default it is not the choice of the preacher man. But it is my choice. And what is God going to do about it?

Yeah, what IS God going to do about it? How is He going to make me pay for my choice? If it is so wrong, what is He going to do to get me to be on His side? What preacher man, what?

Ready for this . . . . . .

He is going to do NOTHING. HE IS GOING TO DO NOTHING. You are going to do it to yourself. You are going to whip yourself. You are going to design your own living hell! You are going to mess your own life up. God, well as to whipping your butt, no my child, He knows that you are going to do a pretty good job of it yourself.

“The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly.”

God designed this world and He put certain physical as well as spiritual laws into place. Whether you believe in gravity or not, doesn't matter. The fact that it is does. Gravity is necessary for the world to function correctly. Fight the law of gravity . . . you will loose. Of course you may not think that you are loosing, but that depends on your perspective, where you are viewing the scene.

If you film a person free falling from a plane from the perspective of being side by side with him it would appear to be that he is flying. Indeed he may think so. All his friends falling side by side with him may have the same belief.

Until they hit the ground.

But if you film the free fall from the solid ground, you know he is not flying at all but falling. What you think is happening all depends upon your perspective. What is actually happening does not. You jump out of an airplane you are falling, whether you believe it or not. Whether you believe the law of gravity or not. You will eventually know the truth – when you are a rather large spot on the ground.

So it is with God's laws. You may think that you can ignore them and do your own thing. The truth of the matter be damned.
It is your decision to step outside of the plane. The laws as to the consequences of your decision now take over.
See it is your own evil deeds that will trip you up.

And do you see the progression of bad to worse in the verses – you move from being tripped up, to being tied up, bound by your bad decisions, to dieing due to your own lack of discipline. And WHY do you have no discipline, is that God's fault – no! You have no discipline because you are following after your own foolish desires, your own folly. It is your own folly which destroys the discipline of following and obeying God. It is your own folly that therefore leads you to death.

Does this sound like you?

“An oracle is within my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes. For in his own eyes he flatters himself too much to detect or hate his sin. The words of his mouth are deceitful; he has ceased to be wise and to do good. Even on his bed he plots evil; he commits himself to a sinful course and does not reject what is wrong.” Psalm 36:1-4

Pulling the bold words out from above:
  1. Do I have no fear of God;
  2. Do I flatter myself too much -- for example do I think I can do the crime and not do the time? Do I flatter myself so much that I have come to believe my own press, i.e. I have come to believe that what is wrong is actually good – in other words I can not recognize my sin or hate it because I have “redefined” it as good not evil.
  3. Do I find myself having to lie to support my position; or just not tell the whole truth, being careful not to say anything which someone might catch and point out to me is indeed lying.
  4. Have I ceased to live wisely and do good – Do I skip out on my responsibilities to support and follow after my particular choice of sin.
  5. Do I spend hour after hour, even lying in my bed trying to figure out how to make the evil plans (evil is any act contrary to God's word or order) work out.
  6. Have I committed myself to a course of action which is against God's word; have I given my word and am willing to violate God's word – like the law of “gravity” - to do what I think is flying. Have I decided that I will do the wrong thing no matter what.

If the above is true, then you are writing your own sentence, your own judgment. God doesn't have to do anything to you. For you to experience the consequences of your actions and decisions, for you to be ensnared, to be tied and bound, to experience death for it . . . He doesn't have to do anything. Here is one occasion that you can truthfully say “I got this.” As you and I go against His way we each determine our own unique means of destruction. We create our own hell.

And does God want this for you and I. NO!! Not at all! We begin to experience pains and hurts that He never intended for us to go through. But don't ever think that is His fault. It is by yours and my own hand, not God's.

What does God want for you and I?

“O Lord, you preserve both man and beast. How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart.”
Psalm 36: 6b-10

What does God want for you and I?

  1. To preserve us.
  2. To love us unfailingly!
  3. To provide a refuge a place of hiding and protection.
  4. To prepare a feast for us out of HIS abundance, not limited by our assets or abilities!
  5. To give you drink from His “river of delights!”
  6. To give you abundant life!
  7. To continuously love you!

Death by your own hand based upon your decision to go against Him, or life from His hand in choosing to follow and obey His word. So what should you do?

Assuming that you choose the way of life:

Go back to the beginning of Proverbs 5 for an answer: “My son, pay attention to my wisdom, listen well to my words of insight, that you may maintain discretion and your lips may preserve knowledge.”

Grab hold of the right perspective. Agree with what God says about where you are and what your decisions are. Examine your decisions in light of His word. Then make corrections as may be required to be in line with God's words.

Otherwise . . . I don't need to tell you. You can read it for yourself.
Got it? Got Word? Then do it.

Love yah,

April 4, 2012  (Todays "Got Word?")                                                                                                           

Good morning my son,

Good morning my daughter,

Jeremiah 18:1-6

“This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord:
'Go down to the potter's house, and there I will give you my message.'
So I went down to the potter's house, and I saw him working at the wheel.
But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it inot another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.
Then the word of the Lord came to me:
“O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?”declares the Lord. Like clay in the hand of the potter so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.

Sometimes it is very difficult to accept the truth embodied in this passage. See we, okay . . . me (you can jump in with me if it sounds like you too, LOL) like to think that we do a lot in making us who we are. But the truth of the matter is that we are being molded, by God for God's purposes.

Now, here's a true of false for you . . . True or False – to think that some other being is molding and shaping me according to their will makes me feel AWESOME! Or True or False – when I think that some other being is shaping and molding me according to their will I want to knock their hands off of the “potter's wheel” and take over myself. Which of those statements is true and which is false. Now before you reply take a moment and look at the evidence in your life that would support one or the other.

See I would like to say that I think that I welcome the potter's hand shaping and molding me. This supernatural being – God of the universe – molding me as to how He wants to. Allowing what experiences He wants into my life. It makes for a real smooth and righteous position to take. We all like to think that at least our pastor or dad stands always in that position. Especially if I am the one expounding that you should. But is that the truly the case for me. And if not, why not?

See God allows tornadoes and hurricanes as well as he allows cool summer breezes. He allows floods as well as He allows streams of cool refreshing water in my life. In some ways it is true that I do not have any control in which I will receive - the hurricane or the cool summer breeze, the flood or the cool refreshing stream. That's a problem, in that I think I could tell you which ones I would prefer. But the fact is God would be the one in control and would choose which one I would have to receive . . . Well I don't know if right off the bat I would like that. I think I would buck a little . . . especially if it is the hurricane, tornado or flood He is sending or allowing in my life.

There is the storm that comes into your life due to the simple fact that you are living. Then there is the storm that comes into your life because you are reaping the consequences of your own actions; because you and are are getting a taste of what we actually deserve for what we have done. In our passage today he is dealing with the pain which comes as a consequence of our decisions:

Jeremiah 18:7-10

If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.
And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.

So here the Lord was saying that his desire is to reward those who do right and punish those who do not and do not repent. Although he is has made it clear He is the potter, He has also made it clear that we have a little input in how he goes about shaping us – in blessings or in pain. In every case though we see that the evil that God may be allowing into our lives has an overarching purpose . . . do you see it? The purpose: to draw us to Him.

Now for that to be a good thing we must believe that He loves us and that He desires only the best for us. We must believe that He desires to bless us, to keep us. We must believe that he desires for us to have water in a thirsty land and rivers in a desert. That He desires us to be like a tree planted by rivers of living water, whose leaf does not wither, and who bears its fruit in its season (should sound a little familiar). See the tornado and the hurricane in our lives are truly only destructive things if they do not accomplish their purpose – to draw us to Him. They are also only destructive things if we do not see God as He was described here and more importantly in His word. See if God is as He says He is, If Christ is as He says He is; if He came that “we might have life and that more abundantly,” then why would we buck and fight Him in trusting Him to do as He wishes with us.

Remember the hymn: “Have Thine Own Way Lord.” The song goes: “Have thine own way Lord, Have thine own way. You are the potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me after your will. While I am waiting, yielded and still.”

That song embodies within it a belief in a loving God, not just a some other being. You did catch that right? I referred to God as “some other being” in the beginning today. Almost like he was on the same level as us. The description belies a lack of knowledge of the character of the being, or of his relationship to us. And yet I was speaking of God. One of whom I do know His character, and I do have knowledge, personal knowledge of his love for me. God is not just some other being He is the supreme creator of ALL beings, and He has chosen to love me as His own. “I know in whom I believe and am persuaded that He is able. To keep that which I have committed, unto Him against that day!” I know, not another hymn . . . sorry but I love those old hymns. I may be old fashion, but I think that each Christian, you and I, should have two books that are opened and read/song each day - the bible and the hymnal (book of hymns).

God is our potter and we are his clay. We do have a choice as to whether we will utilize the pain and hurts in our lives to accomplish their purpose to draw us to Him or if we will not. Unfortunately for the Israelites they apparently did not make the right choice:

Jeremiah 18:11-12

Now therefore say to the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem, “This is what the Lord says: Look! I am preparing a disaster for you and devising a plan against you. So turn from your evil ways, each of you, and reform your ways and your actions.” But they will reply, “Its no use. We will continue with our own plans; each of us will follow the stubbornness of his evil heart.”

Really? Its no use? God has already explained what he will do if they repent. He has told them what to do. They know what He says He will do if they do repent, turn and reform their ways and actions. He told them, remember. However, they say “its no use.” Really?

Why would they say its no use and remain hell bent? Simple answer. They did not believe God would do what God said He would. They did not believe God's word.

Is that not the same reason that you and I will not do what we know we should do? Why we may not obey His word? We really do not believe He will bless us? We do not believe that we will be so embraced by His love. Perhaps its because we do not know what He says He will do, or understand how exactly he works. See I have followed the Lord, I would say. I have done what He said. I still lost my job. I still have no work. I still am dealing with any number of things, bad relationships, crazy folk, heart aches, illness and disease. So God does not seem to be doing what He said. I am supposed to have a life full of roses with no thorns . . . Right?

Take the time and read Jeremiah chapters 17 and 18 completely. No time to do that here. But let me point out one portion:

Jeremiah 17:7-8

“. . . blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Did you see it? Does the man/woman of God who is following His way not go through the heat? Is there no drought, or dry spells without any rain, in their lives? NO. The man/woman of God will experience heat, and drought. You may look at your life and feel like you are in 125 degree burning sun with no shade. You may think that you have not had a cool drink of water for a long time. Yes you and I who follow the Lord will still find ourselves in those places . . . the difference is we will be watered like that tree even in the heat, from roots and a stream that no one else may see. We will have green leaves and will bear fruit, fruit that others will enjoy and that bears the seeds for more life in our lives. We will not fear or have worries. This is the difference for those who trust in Him.

So doing right, drawing near God will possibly change the way the potter molds us. We have a choice that cuts to the core . . . will we believe what God says about Him or not. Will we trust in His word or not. Will we repent and turn where we see that we are contrary to His word or not.

The Israelites were wrong. It is of use to do what God says. He is the potter and we are the clay. He loves us and wants only the best for us. Let's do our part and love and follow Him.

You and I have no reason to buck against God or to fear Him being the potter of our life. He loves you and me. He really REALLY loves us!

Love yah,


Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31, 2012 (Today's Got Word?)  Happy Birthday!                                          

Good morning my son,

Good morning my daughter,

Its my birthday today, and so I was very expectant as to what the Lord would show to me when I met with him at 5AM. (“early in the morning will I rise up and seek thee”. . . you know the drill, look it up . . . it works!). I was not disappointed, He was there waiting, and He had a Word for me.

See this last year, as you know, has been very hard for me. And to be quite frank, just last night I was outside “considering the heavens from whence comes my help . . .” I cried. I wept. And then I left it there with Him and went to sleep. And now comes this morning!

Isaiah 65:8-10

This is what the Lord says:
“As when juice is still found in a cluster of grapes and men say, “Don't destroy it, there is yet some good in it, so will I do in behalf of my servants; I will not destroy them all.
I will bring forth descendants from Jacob, and from Judah those who will possess my mountains; my chosen people will inherit them, and there will my servants live.
Sharon will become a pasture for flocks, and the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for my people who seek me.

Do you see what verses leaped out at me? An odd combination if you know the places and the history behind them. But first you must have some understanding of what is going on here in this chapter of Isaiah. If you go back to the front of the chapter you will see that God has been frustrated with His people.

“I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call on my name, I said, 'Here am I, here am I.'
All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations –
a people who continually provoke me to my very face, . . .” (Isaiah 65:1-3)

Ouch! God does not seem very happy with His own. In fact they seem to be not just ignoring God, but purposefully doing stuff that they know will, shall we say “piss him off!” And what is God's planned response?

“See, it stands written before me: I will not keep silent, but will pay back in full; I will pay it back into their laps –
both your sins and the sins of your fathers, . . .
I will measure into their laps the full payment for their former deeds.” (Isaiah 65:6-7)

Can you join me, hands in the air, pushing up and down, as the shout goes . . . “Whoa! Whoa! The house is on fire!!!” Wow! This is NOT a good thing that His people have made God do. I say made because this is nothing more than the consequence to their evil actions and heart; to their rebellion against God's ways . . . you did see that right? It reads: “See, it stands written before me . . .” God could do no different. We may have the freedom to choose the action but we do not have the freedom to choose the consequence. And neither does God! (something we might want to remember when we are considering shucking and jiving around the dark corner, in the secret place, in the shadows, hiding out to do what we know we are not supposed to). He said He disciplines those he loves, so we shouldn't be surprised that he does so.

And then comes this passage about a remnant saved, today's pericope (remember that big word that just means the passage we are studying).

I must admit that I am SO happy He didn't show me the first part of that chapter and speak words there. I am happy that He instead included me in the remnant – one in which there is still some juice worth saving, one which should not be destroyed, as one of His servants. And yet in the midst of my doing my own dance of joy, I found myself a little confused as to the words that leaped off the pages.

Sharon will become a pasture for flocks, and the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for my people who seek me.”

Hmm. The place of Sharon I understood from previous readings. It referred to a very fertile stretch of land that historically was a land of pasture for sheep. It had wells and water running through it. It would be just the type of place I would want to take my sheep and rest. But the Valley of Achor . . . now I faintly remembered that something just wasn't right with that place.

I would like for you to have a good study bible and a good bible dictionary to start with. I think I have told you that before. However, I must admit that with today's internet, you may just need to know how to google. As for myself, I am still a little old school and went to a couple of bible dictionaries. Oh, and less you wonder why I would take that time to look it up . . . quite simply I wasn't sure where and what it was. Any time you do not know a place, especially if it is in the words that the Lord has leap off the page to you, you should take the time to look them up. If you do so you might find a deeper meaning to the passage that you would otherwise have missed. Such is the case here.

See the Valley of Achor is otherwise known as the valley of trouble. On your own time go back and read Joshua chapter 7. Don't worry its not too long. It tells the story of Achan and his sin, and the history of this valley and how it came to get its name. See Israelites had conquered Jericho, and had burned the whole city and everything in it, except they put the silver and gold and articles of bronze and iron into the treasury of the Lord house and spared Rahab the prostitute. [Joshua 6:24 – just a side note – did you realize that Rahab a prostitute was in the lineage of Jesus?- I wonder what God can do with me then? You? Just a thought). At least they THOUGHT that they had burned everything. After they get their butts kicked in going out to battle in chapter 7, they seek the Lord to find out why and God tells them that they had sin, evil in the camp:

“The Lord said to Joshua, “Stand up! What are you doing down on your face? Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I command them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have lied, they have put them with their own possessions. That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies . . I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction” (Joshua 7:10-12

Okay, I am pointing out those words because I will come back to them, so don't forget them. Thanks.

This was nothing new. God had told them before not to touch or keep theses “devoted things” and by that he meant the things and ornaments used in the worship of other God's; shall we say for our modern day purposes – those things, beliefs, etc. we hold on to which are against God's word and direction in our lives. These were to hold no place in the Israelites or our hearts. Oh, and by the way, neither are we. We are supposed to burn them too! (See Deuteronomy 7:1-6)
So what happens God shows them that it is Achan that screwed up, that kept the devoted things they thought had been burned in Jericho (Joshua 7:20-21). And what do they do with Achan?

Then Joshua, together with all Israel, took Achan son of Zerah, the silver, the robe, the gold wedge, his sons and daughters, his cattle, donkeys and sheep, his tent and all that he had to the Valley of Achor.
Joshua said, “Why have you brought this trouble on us? The Lord will bring trouble on you today.”
Then all Israel stoned him, and after they had stoned the rest, they burned them.
Over Achan they heaped up a large pile of rocks, which remains to this day. Then the Lord turned from his fierce anger. Therefore the place has been called the Valley of Achor ever since.

The Valley of Achor translates to the Valley of Trouble.

So going back to our passage for today . . . “ and the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for my people who seek me.”

The Valley of Trouble a resting place? Really God? Yes really my son, my daughter. God is going to make the place where you and I have been troubled by our sin, where we have been brought to judgment, where we have confessed and repented, where we have brought the “devoted things” to him and all that it touched and defiled burning them before him . . . this place . . . this place of cleansing and sacrifice to the Lord . . . this place where we were troubled . . . this place He will make a place for blessing, a place where we will be fed and find rest!!

The blessing that the Lord gave me today is the very same blessing that He offers each of us. A fertile land for our sheep, our provision and a land in which we have been troubled made fertile and at peace by our own decision to follow Him and obey Him; to destroy, burn and forsake those things and decisions in our lives that are against His order and direction in our lives. All of it . . . not just some.

Now if you want me to elaborate on what those things are I can't. But God can. Ask Him and then you just keep reading the Word, writing down what leaps off the pages to you. He will reveal them to you and show you just how to destroy and burn them up. He will transform your Valley of Achor, your Valley of Trouble into a place of blessing and rest.

Oh, I almost forgot, remember the words “I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction” Don't miss it. God wishes to work for you and to transform that valley of trouble for you. But you, just like me, must remove WHATEVER is devoted to your own destruction. Well, come to think about it, perhaps I have already said this. . .

My bad.

Got Word?

Love yah,


Friday, March 30, 2012

Previous Study (Proverbs 4)                                                                                   

Good morning son,

Well, you and I both know it is not morning, at least at the time I am writing this. Will try to move back to writing these in the morning next week. But for now, forgive me, these hours and schedule needs to be brought into order. We will get it together.

Proverbs 4:1-2 “Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding. I give you sound learning so do not forsake my teaching.”

These verses leaped off the page to me this morning and I find myself returning to them again at this time. I did not understand why they so spoke to me to just now, after all the events of the day, after all the conversations of the time. But now I do know why . . . it is not because of what is there but because of what is not there.

See today I found myself involved in a conversation where I was assured that the individual respected my opinion. They focused on me, partly I suspect because I was constantly putting them back to what God's word says. They NEVER came or spoke about what HE said about the matter. They knew that already, and they knew that they were “hell bent” on not doing what He said. See the only way any of us can stand and go against what the preacher is saying, what the Word of God says about the matter, is if we can bring it down to a man to man level. In a God to man fight, we know we will loose. But if we can focus on the man, not the God . . . well we can tell them “I respect you.”

AHH THERE is the word that I did not find in Proverbs . . . “respect.” Indeed I don't think I have ever heard a writer in the bible use that word, or concept when it comes to the relationship we are to have with our Heavenly Father and His word or commands or, indeed orders to us. Obedience – yes. Pay attention to – yes. Understand – yes. Don't forsake – yes. But “respect” - no. Why? Perhaps it is because of the definition of the word.

By now you know that I like using Webster's dictionary. “Respect” – “1) to have differential regard for, to esteem. 2) to treat with propriety or consideration. 3) to regard as inviolable; avoid intruding upon. 4) to have relation or reference to; concern.” Do you notice what is missing? None of the definitions require you to submit to the other's opinion. None of them establishes any relationship person to person, except to the extent that you know where they stand and where you stand. Indeed each person's opinion or way is kept completely isolated from any influence from the other. What therefore is lacking? Recognition that one way is right and another is wrong. That one opinion and counsel may lead to life and the other to death.

I can “respect” you in your ignorance and disobedience to God's word and watch you go to hell. And you can respect me in what you may view as my solitary opinion – a belief in a God which makes consequences non-negotiable. In such a “respectful situation” we each have no pressure to change. We can stand where we want to.

However, “respect” for God and His teachings and commands is not what is required by the Lord of us. What is required is obedience.

“Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; . . .”

Listening is an active word which requires more than just hearing. If you doubt it just read on . . . “ pay attention and gain understanding” When you are sitting and hearing the words and teachings you must be paying attention. When you get up from them, you should have gained understanding – you should be changed by what you heard, by what you listened to.

Over the years I have found a unique phenomenon as to the independent life, power and authority of the Word of God. God may lead me to tell someone something, a warning, a promise, a correction, and then God will remove me from their presence. Why? So the phenomenon of a living, breathing God may be truly experienced in their life. Sometimes months and even years later they will see me and, depending on what they did with the word of God, if obeyed, tell me of what happened next. If disobeyed, will ask me to stop hounding them on the matter! Really?! I may not have seen or spoken to them for months and years, and yet the Word of God continues to live and speak to them. I don't rejoice in the hell they are putting themselves through, although I do rejoice in a God who will not let them go. I rejoice in the assurance from His dogging them that they are indeed His children, and He loves them; for those He loves He disciplines and never gives up on. That is not me who said and does that, it is Him.

Consistently through the Proverbs and throughout the entire Bible you see where the word tells you to “fear” God. I have heard preachers try to put in the word “respect” because like me, and perhaps you too, the word “fear” just seems a little on the harsh side. But I think that He really means “fear”. We may cross those whom we simply respect, we may do whatever we want to. But those who we fear; those we do not cross. With fear we have a relationship which impacts our lives, whether we want it to or not. It is a relationship which calls us to obedience. Look on:

“I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching.”

Although He does not have to, the writer gives us a reason for following His teachings, for being obedient . . . He gives sound learning. Because it is sound you are told to obey it.

You are not told to respect God's teachings and learnings. You are told to obey them.

Point: God calls us into a relationship with Him where He is God and we are not – where He is supreme and we are not – where He is right and where we disagree, we are not – where He has set the rules of the game, and we can not escape the consequences of our decisions.

As a father myself I don't care one bit if you “respect me” when I give instruction, but I do care if you do not obey. God is no different. And as each of you are grown persons, you have a direct line to hearing and being obedient to Him. I may sound the alarm, but I do not wield the whip, or belt . . . He does. I may speak of the glory to come in your life as a result of your obedience to Him, but it is He who delivers it to your doorstep. Your choice. Your consequence.

So what would I encourage you to do today:

“Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding. I give you sound learning so do not forsake my teaching.”

Read the word.

Do the word.
Obey the Lord and have life and that more abundantly. Walk not according to the ways of everyone else but dance only to the beat of HIS drum, even if you stick our. It is God who is your salvation and your hope. It is He who loves you in your secret places, and it is He who will never leave you nor forsake you.

Got it?

Love yah,

Previous Study:  Proverbs 3 and Psalm 34                                                            

Good morning son,

Okay, it may be morning when you read this but it is the NEXT morning. See it is just now striking midnight and I am just sitting down to type this GW to you. May I put forth my excuses – I went to bed yesterday morning at about 1 AM. I woke up at 5:45 and started my day. I sought the Lord and then hurried out the door at 6:35 AM to run our house guest to the airport in Baltimore. Drove through the snow fall (sometimes quite heavy) to the airport. Dropped her off. Then hurriedly drove to the DC metro closest to Baltimore. Parked and walked what seemed like a mile back in the biting cold to the station to stand in the cold for 10 minutes waiting on a train. An hour later I arrive at my destination and then proceed to work 9 hours, to head back through the cold to the station, for the hour ride back to the metro station to retrieve my car and begin the 1 hour and 15 minute drive to home . . . well not before I have to make a stop to help a friend (which he was more than concerned about my being up so late) and then to the gym to work-out and THEN home. And now this. And then some more work before my head touches the bed.

Did I make you feel sorry for me? Well, would you if you knew I have to head out the door at 6:30AM again tomorrow to start this hectic pace all over again?

Don't feel sorry do you? In fact you probably can think of some pretty horrendous sacrifices of your own. But guess what . . . probably no one knows or remembers them. Not that they were not true sacrifices. Not that they did not hurt. Only that they are just not remembered. So how do we do it?

This morning I woke up and had my meeting with my commander the Lord Jesus Christ. I consulted Him as to the day and how it was going to go. I knew it would be extremely hectic. That I knew. I knew I had little energy for it of my own. That I also knew. And I knew that all that I had to do I indeed had to be the one to do it. Not only had the schedule been prayed over, it really was chucked full of wisdom.

See it was not wise to have all three persons in the household on the road driving to BWI to drop off our guest, if something happened on the road no one would be home who could help, and it only made since that I travel to Baltimore and then to DC, one clean circle. Not to mention Momma P and I had prayed about it and thought this was what we were getting from God to do. As for the metro parking and riding, it would be of no benefit to the family for me to drive all the way into DC and risk being late plus pay the exorbitant parking rates. Metro was the best choice. And working the maximum hours today offered – well with all I owe, there was no choice there. LOL Getting home, well that path naturally flowed, going back to the metro, driving home and on to work out. As for the helping a friend, my best friend and brother, truth be told I may have gone to my friend to help him, but I always leave his house refreshed. Just what I needed to go to the gym. And as to the work out? It was pretty good, actually the best I have had in a long time. And God knows I need that!

Psalm 34: 8-10

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who see the Lord lack no good thing.”

Tasting involves trying something out to see just how it tastes. Tasting and seeing that the Lord is good involves taking God at His word. See we can only be blessed when we taste and see – when we take Him at His word and thereby rely upon Him and not us. In this passage we see a blessing which comes to us not because we fully believed but simply because we were willing to try God at His word. We were willing to trust Him. Have I said it enough yet? That said, in reviewing my day, all sprinkled through my account of my day there is something which concerns me, but at the same time it does not. The concern – the presence of “lack.” That just doesn't seem to fit up with this passage.

See God's word commands us to fear Him and then promises that if we do we will lack nothing. But for me today, it sure seemed like I lacked some stuff. And doesn't nothing mean nothing? The preacher in me wants to say to you – “you are looking at the wrong stuff – Peterson, you had no lack of spiritual blessings.”

Whooptie Do! Spiritual blessings! Sounds like I may be too heavenly minded to be any earthly good.

Jesus fed the five thousand with a spiritual blessing brought into a physical reality. He met their need for food. Well, while we are looking at him, Jesus that is, would you not agree that HE definitely feared the Lord? Right? And yet the scriptures point out the the “Son of Man” Jesus did not even have a place to lay his head. Well, I think that that is a definite need don't you? It would seem that God is a little fickle then. Perhaps he is just talking out of both sides of his mouth, . . . “God speak with “forked tongue?”

Well, not really. When you have a moment take a look and see how many times that Jesus withdraws to rest. I don't think he lacked that at all. He seemed to have all the power to do everything that He was called to do. He lacked nothing that was necessary for His mission.

Hmm . . . Did I lack anything to accomplish my mission, to do what I had to do? Hmm . . . Indeed what was the one thing I needed to do all that I had to do today . . . “strength.”

“The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.”

“But” is a word of contrast. Here weak and hungry is contrasted to lack of no good thing. The strong king of the jungle is shown to be weak and hungry BUT those who seek the Lord are . . . . what? . . . . strong and satisfied or full? Is this the no good thing that God provides? The lion to rule must be strong and satisfied or full. He can not be weak or hungry. You, my lion cub, like me, also has need of the strength and the provision of food for us to rule and accomplish our mission. And God promises that those who seek him will have this, they will “lack no good thing.”

Look at it. I had a car to get me to Baltimore. I had a metro card with money on it to pay for the metro and parking. I had a job to go to to work. I had a friend to refresh me with His words of encouragement. I have a body to move. I have a gym membership to go to to work-out. I have a brain to think and write. What good thing did I lack today . . .?


Let's back up a little further. See this morning I sought Him, as the Psalmist wrote, I was one of those who sought the Lord. And what did he tell me? This is the passage I opened up to this morning when I sought Him about the day:

Daniel 10:18-19

“Again the one who looked like a man touched me and gave me strength. “Do not be afraid Oman highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace! Be strong now, be strong.” When he spoke to me I was strengthened and said speak Lord, since you have given me strength.”

This was the word of the Lord to me this morning. On this touch of the Lord, on reliance on His word I have lived out this day. I rejoiced. I was strong. He strengthened me. I was able to say unto the Lord, tell me what you want me to do . . for you have met my need, I have no lack of any good thing, you have strengthened me.

And now it is almost 1AM. I still have a couple of things to do. But God has strengthened me to do them. God does not lie and He has not spoken with forked tongue. When we seek Him, when we fear Him we will lack no good thing.

Tomorrow today will be a faint memory. What will stand is the Word of God which was made evident in my body this day. What will stand and live in my heart is the assurance that He will and has supplied all of my need as I have feared Him and sought after His word in obedience.

See there is a reason the sacrifice I did will not be remembered the way I may want it to be . . . because I did not bear the work alone. He strengthened me. He gave me all that I had need of. I have no lack. And when we look back on today we will see no sacrifice of mine to take notice of.

Do you have lack? Really, do you? Are you fearing the Lord? Are you walking in obedience to Him? Are you seeking after His word for your life, determined that nobody and no thing will prevent you from doing what He says to do? If not, you have found the reason for the lack.

Fear the Lord. Be obedient. Seek Him. Trust Him. “Taste and see that the Lord is good . . .”

Love yah,


PS: Normally these take me about 2 hours to write . . . tonight 1 hour! “Taste and see that the Lord, He is good . . .”