Saturday, November 10, 2012

In that day . . . .

In that day . . .

In that day you will say:

I will praise you, O Lord,
Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away
and you have comforted me.
Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.
The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

Psalm 12: 1-3

If it is in that day, it must not be in THIS day. See in this day I may not want to say praises to the Lord. In this day, I may still feel like I am getting the anger of the Lord all over me, like “white is on rice.”

If the Psalmist had only spoken about THAT day, I would have had taken very little time. See I do not have much time for a future day when I have to live the present one through. When I am tired and beaten from the day before, and the birth of a new day, a new sun bursting across the horizon, does not erase the hurts and pains from yesterday, or seem to lessen the load for today – I can not afford to live in the future day, it just doesn't seem to bring much consolation at THIS moment.

So why stop and look at this at all Lord? Because there is a message for today.

Surely God IS my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.

God IS my salvation in today. It is in today that I will trust and NOT be afraid. See the message is not just for tomorrow it is for today. It is in today that my trust in Him must be found. It is in today, that I have reason NOT to be afraid. It is in today that I may experience his salvation. While “the devil is riding my back,” as the old folks would say, I can find that Christ is indeed my hope and glory! It is a message for me NOW. A message for me to live out today. And if I may find myself too weak to stand:

The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.

I know where my strength is, and PRAISE GOD it is NOT found in myself, inner, outer or otherwise! Instead my strength is found in Him. It is in Him that I will stand today. It is in Him that I will face this morning and this day. It is in Him that I will walk, talk and be silent. It is in Him that I move and have my being. It is in Christ and Christ alone! See HE has become my very salvation!

In that day . . . yes . . . because it is in THIS day that I trust in Him and be not afraid. It is in THIS day that I find my strength in Him. It is in THIS day that He has become my salvation.

Got it? Got Word?

Love yah,


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