Monday, November 12, 2012

Scaring the "day lights" out of me . . . .

When I was growing up I believed that my father used to enjoy seeing my brother and I scared. It was quite enjoyable. Well it was enjoyable for at least ONE of us at the time.

All the bedrooms were on one side of the house, including mom and dad's, and to get to them from the other side you had to pass through the living room and dining room – both great expanses of darkness once the lights were out. As the oldest son I was often tasked with going to the farthest ends of the house to turn out the lights and then make it past through the dark shadows to my bedroom.

I would turn off the light and then run as fast as I could to the hallway and the safety of our bedroom. More than once I believed that the shadows moved or I heard a growl or felt a touch on my leg, which would “scare the living day lights” out of me. Not knowing exactly what or who was chasing me, and not taking the time to find out, I would quickly change my course of direction and run not to our bedroom but dad's and mom's. I guess I knew that whatever, and whoever it was who was endangering me, in my parent's bedroom I would find safety and protection. There dad and mom would be lying up in bed waiting, apparently – after a little laughter – to comfort me.

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock. Psalm 27:4-5

I oftentimes feel like that little boy, running through the house and being scared at everything. The fears feel real. I am surprised, concerned and often times shocked by all sort of things that happen in life. A car wreck. A job loss. Financial challenges – no money but many debts to pay. An argument with someone I love, about what, I don't really understand. Promises I do not know how I will be able to keep. A health threat. Any number of things which may threaten my life. And yes, even something as little as an unexpected stubbed toe.

But like my father who would send me to turn off the lights, God knows what can really hurt me and that nothing that I fear truly can. But is what I fear trouble to me. Yes. A day of trouble and concern for me. Yes. Something that rocks my world. Yes. But He has given me a solution. I can dwell in HIS house. I can gaze upon His beauty.

And what exactly does that mean . . . to gaze upon His beauty.

Perhaps it means to look to the Lord from where my help comes? See my help comes from the God of creation which decided to be concerned about me, and yes you. What a beautiful thought.

Perhaps it means to ponder on a God who would send his only son to pay the cost for my wrongs, when he had done none. He came ahead of me, even when I did not know him or even cared that he would care. This Jesus paid the price for my meal before I even felt hungry. He made it possible for me to have covering over my head, clothes on my back and something to put my feet in when I walk. This Jesus who shows me over and over that He is real. Who, when I read His word, He speaks to me. He lets me know that I am not alone. He lets me know He is with me to deliver me . . . even from myself. Oh how beautiful! What a beautiful assurance.

Perhaps it means to remember all the times God has come through for me when I cried out to him. To know that His word has always been true. What a beautiful covenant He has with us.

As a child for me there was no man as handsome as my father. As a man, there is no God as beautiful as ours. There is no Christ like Jesus. There is no Spirit like His Spirit that is always there to lead us into all truth. Like the little boy I still am I can still run to HIS room and find safety. I can still gaze upon His beauty. I have a safe dwelling.

In Him you do too.

As a boy and as a man, the “day lights” was and is often scared out of me. In the presence of of my God the “day light” is returned. No shadows. No basis for fear.

Thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit.

Got it. Got word?

Love yah,


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