Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Do you have enought bread . . .

Do you have enough bread . . .

By this time it was late in the day, so his disciples came to him, “This is a remote place.” they said, “and it is already very late. Send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.” But he answered, “You give them something to eat.”
Mark 6:35-37

Some times I think God has really lost his marbles. We are worried about what we may have to eat, worried about our housing, worried about our clothing, our needs. We are in “a remote place” and “it is already very late” and we ourselves do not have what to feed ourselves, and yet He says feed, clothe, house another, . . . a stranger, . . . someone who is not our friend, . . . someone who we can not receive a favor back from . . . feed, shelter and clothe them.

You be one insane God. You are just out of your mind.

If you read on further you will find that among them they only had five loaves of bread and two fish. Not enough for twelve plus Jesus to be fed. And yet He, this Jesus dude charges them to feed the crowd . . . five THOUSAND men + women and children!

Most of the time our focus is on meeting our own needs. We have little so how will we meet our own. You must not expect me to share what I have, to give what I have been “blessed” by God to have for me, to give that up to others? Do you? Is that your plan Lord..?

No. That is not His plan. His plan is a little bit more powerful than that.

He is asking that we give up that little that we have to Him NOT to others and ask Him to bless it so that it can do His purposes.

It is His desire that we change our prayer focus not to bless us and multiply our little, but to say “here God here is what you blessed me with . . . multiply it for your purposes . . . to do what You would have it to do . . . as You see fit.”

What would happen if instead of praying for my new car I prayed, Lord here is the car you have blessed me with . . . please take it and use it fully for your purpose. You lead me where you want me to take it. You make it fully your servant. You show me who I am to pick up and carry. And if it is not enough for your purposes you do with it as you will so that what I drive might fully meet the service you intend for it to be.

Hmm. That sounds way different from the pray I have been praying . . . there is no BMW mixed anywhere in there!

The disciples did not have sufficient bread to feed themselves by and through themselves., but they did have enough bread to feed those HE purposed to feed when they gave what they had up for Him to bless and accomplish His purposes. I too have enough to do all that God has called me to do, to fulfill His purposes when I give it all back to Him to bless and do what He wants.

And was there enough for the disciples? For you and I when we give it to Christ?

They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread
and fish. Mark 6: 42-43

When you focus on what God wants and give your all to Him to accomplish it, He will accomplish His purpose and ALWAYS bless you with more than you gave to Him.

As the old offering song goes: “You can't beat God's giving. No matter how hard you try . . .”

Got it? Got Word?

Love yah,


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