Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Proverbs 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Good morning son,

I really like to wake up very early and spend my time with God. It is at that time that I read the word and seek him. It is at that time that I Got Word and prepare myself for the day. Before anything else, before hearing anyone else speak, I want to here Him. His words bring life.

But this morning, I woke late and had to start the rest of my morning routine, which includes turning on the news as I work in the kitchen. I usually do not pay very much attention to what is being shown on the screen for I am busy cooking and packing. But this morning while in the midst of everything the commentator said “Stop what you are doing right now, Stop! Take a look at the screen and take in this gorgeous sunrise!”

Psalms 12:6-7: “The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. You shall keep them, O Lord, you shall preserve them from this generation for ever.”

Proverbs 12:14: “From the fruit of the mouth one is filled with good things, and surely the work of his hands rewards him.”

The commentator's words brought me from my simple and routine task, focusing me for just that brief moment on the beauty of God's creation. “Consider the Heavens from where your help comes, your help comes from the Father above who made the heavens and the earth.” (look it up). The Psalmist lets us know that God's words can be trusted. That His words will stand and be found true from each generation going forward. Forever, and ever.

I could not help but think about all the newscasts I have seen in my life. How many times I was told by one reporter or another the so called facts of something only to later hear a report directly to the contrary. How many times I was assured this was the “real deal,” on eating this or that for your health.
“The Atkins diet is the cure all for heart disease.” “Eat pork, its the other white meat.” “Leaching the blood is back – remove the poisons from your body.” In short, with respect to the enduring truth of these reports, I have only one word - “NOT.”

But God's word is true. It stands the test of time. It will endure from generation to generation. It does not change, although our understanding of it may. Its promises and curses remain. Its transforming effect in the lives of all of us who study and believe in the God it introduces us to, is real and everlasting.

So we can trust in His word. And if so, there is a truth from His lips that we should grab hold of and not let go; which we should be ever mindful as we go about the day; that we should not ever EVER EVER forget to practice – speaking life and working hard!

The passage in Proverbs lets us know that our words have power! AWESOME power! Don't believe me, think about it. We've heard it, the power of positive thinking. The courts have a cause of action based upon verbal abuse – why? Because it destroys a person. Power in words. There were times when I was growing up I would have preferred that my mom simply gave me the spanking I deserved verses the “tongue lashing” for hours. Words go down deep and bear fruit up. By fruit I mean they transform your life, changing your thoughts and either lifting you up to do the impossible or to shrink in front of the doable. Do you enjoy being around someone whose every other word is F@#% that! Sh@* ?

I remember in high school we had to read the book the “Catcher in the Rye.” I was so thrilled to be able to read outloud cursing and cussing without fear of my grandmother's legendary reprisal, her taking a bar of soap and a dirty rag from of a rusty nail hanging by the toilet and washing that filth out of my mouth (I love my grandma but the taste of ivory soap – NOW THAT was cruel and unusual punishment! LOL). In any case reading cuss words out loud was fun for about one class. Afterwards I hated picking up the book to read. By the time we got to the end of the book I had increased my daily baths to three! I felt so physically dirty! And it was just words? No it was JUST words, powerful transforming words.

Well now I have the F@#% this and that, and the Sh@* to this and that out of my system. I recently heard a minister speak about just how confused we are making our spirits through our speech – when all of the sudden we say “that is the S@*” for something that is just AWESOME! Think, for a moment, what if we knew that we could destroy a whole people by just changing their vocabulary. By changing how the speak and what they speak about.

In every case of an oppressed people the first thing that is changed is their language. The slaves were told they could not speak their native tongue. Can not sing the songs of old (look in the Word – this was done to the Hebrew people too). Their clothes were changed and a new job given to them. Not to be political, but I can't help but notice the similarities in our treatment of our hispanic American brothers and sisters in the Lord. Hmmm.

New language, new clothes, and a new job. Are you oppressed by your own words? What do you say to yourself? Whose power are you calling upon to do what you have to do?

Don't miss that the fruit of speech is tied to the fruit of work. See you will be rewarded with the fruit from your lips and the work of your hands will be your reward also.

Think for a moment – Is prayer really for the Lord or for us? In prayer we bring our needs to the Lord, we acknowledge His all sufficiency, we praise Him and thank Him for His provision, we call upon Him for His salvation and retell of His wondrous works. And then . . . we receive the fruit of the prayer in our lives. (look up the passage that talks about praying in secret and how and where you will receive your reward – awesome).

Think for a moment – is the acts that we do in faith, based upon what God has directed us to do for Him or for us. If all we did was say we had this great feeling of faith and no acts in obedience to that word, then what result would we have? The Apostle Paul said faith without works is dead. Why? Because this principle is in play – you receive a reward from, or directly as a result of, your work by faith.

In a few minutes I am going to be leaving for work. Although the office will be open before I get there I will not be paid for the time I wasn't there. I only get a reward for my work, from my work. This is biblical not “hocus pocus.”

I think I have said more than enough. Now comes the time for you. Today, I would like for you to do a particular prayer or speaking with your lips back to God:

“Lord Jesus, I pray that the Father of Glory may give to me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in and through the knowledge of him: that the eyes of my understanding may be opened; that I may know fully what is the hope of my calling , and what are the riches of the glory of your inheritance for me as one of your own children; and that I may experience your exceeding greatness and your AWESOME power in and through me and for me your child, the power which gives me the strength and boldness to do the work you have given me this day to do; I thank you that you hear me always when I seek you and that you hear this prayer and make it real in my life this day. I thank you for blessing me indeed, enlarging my territory, keeping your hand upon me, and keeping me from evil that I might not subcome to pain. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen”

If you want to look up Ephesisans 1:17 – 19 you might see the amazing similarites in the prayer above. And for the ending, look up Jabez – one of my favorite guys.

Heh . . . and then . . . go to work . . . do what you have to do today . . . and receive your reward from your work!

The reporter's word's today will not stand the test of time. But he was right in one thing – he pointed me to the heavens, the evidence and work of the one whose words have stood the test of time and will for an eternity.

Conform your language and speech in line with the Word of God. Clean it up. Make sure it speaks life. Do the work before you. Receive your reward from your speech and your labor. God does not lie. It will work.

Love yah,


PS: I would not stop saying that prayer. I won't and maybe a little later we can check in with each other and tell how it worked out in our lives. Love you.

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