Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bind up the testimony . . .

The Lord spoke to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people. He said:

Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.
The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread, and he will be a sanctuary; . . .

Bind up the testimony and seal up the law among my disciples. I will wait for the Lord who is hiding his face from Jacob. I will put my trust in him.

Isaiah 8:11-14, 16-17

The only time you saw instructions given to a prophet made public was when it fulfilled a purpose in the ears of the people hearing it. Here we see the instructions given to Isaiah told to all. And the context was the time that Isaiah was telling the people that Assyria was going to come and rescue those who remained true to God; God's people. Why?

At this point you are probably asking, “Pastor this is not how you normally start. I am already getting lost already. What is this important to me?”

This morning God knew that I was concerned as to to what He is about to do. He knew that I was asking what do I do in the midst of this great deliverance and great retribution from Him. I was concerned as to how to stand in the midst of all the fear and the talk that characterized what was going on as a trap or conspiracy. He knew I was concerned as to whether what He said would be accomplished by doing what He said would really happen. I was concerned about having given my word based upon what He said His word was for me. Do you understand?

See when I believe God has said something that is to come I oftentimes am led to speak it to others. If you go to the beginning of this chapter you will see that Isaiah was told to write down what God was saying was about to happen and to have two trustworthy persons witness it. Similar events have happened in my life.

When I met Momma P in 1980 I told my roommate I just met the woman I am to marry. I wrote on my application for dormitory director in 1983 that in 3 years I intended to be married to her. The reality though was far from the prophetic word. In 1980 she would not date me. In 1984 she had moved away to Dallas and we spoke very little. We had never kissed, held hands, or looked into each others eyes filled with love. But in October of 1985 I proposed after a 7 day fast and prayer, with her later accepting per the instruction of the Lord saying: “I do not love you, but the Lord said to marry you so I am.” God then went about creating that love within each of us so that when we walked down the aisle on July 19, 1986 as husband and wife we truly loved each other – Six years after God spoke it to me, three years after it was prophetically written down on an application at Baylor University.

And so I stand in a similar place again. I know what I believe God has said He will do. I know what is required of me to do. Like in other times God has required me to speak it, to write it, to live it. And yet, I look around me and I hear the cries that I am being entrapped. I hear the fear that it will not do what He said it will do. I see no evidence of the change that is promised to occur in the hearts of those involved. Indeed I see where they think it is truly themselves that are orchestrating the events. In this environment, to this situation, to my heart, with His hand strongly upon me, He speaks this word.
Do not agree with those around me who only hear and see the trap. Do not fear them. Fear Him and Him alone. Make God the one that you run to. Make God the one that you hide yourself in. Make His Word your confidence. Trust in Him. Trust in the Holy One of Israel.

“Bind up the testimony and seal up the law among my disciples . . .”

Tell His people what is to come. Do not let go what God has said is in the midst of His people. Do not give in but proclaim it out loud among His disciples. Let God's people know it is to occur.

So you don't see God's hand acting right now on what He has said to you . . . Well don't be surprised do the act of waiting on Him.

“ I will wait for the Lord who is hiding his face from Jacob.”

And while you are waiting:

“I will put my trust in him.”

1980 – we met, and God spoke. 1983 – I proclaimed and bound up the testimony and the law. 1986 – we were married, God's word was made manifest in the reality on this earth. Last night I looked at the lack of evidence and cried. This morning I reminded myself of the Word given me. With this Word from the Lord, I renewed my strength in Him. Later I will rejoice.

These instructions to you and I were when lived out benefit not only you and I but all of God's people and others. You have a word from the Lord? Stand on it. Proclaim it to God's people. Trust in Him and Him alone. Renew your faith in the Lord. See it come to pass.

Got Word?

Love yah,

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