Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Trusting and Shaking . . . Loving and holding . . .

So I just got some news which shook me some.  Something that I had hoped for, been praying for, believing for, and dare say counting on just fell through.  My eyes filled with tears at the lost and my heart sank. I am saddened by the news and then I read this:
For the king trusts in the Lord;
through the unfailing love of the Most High
he will not be shaken.  Psalm 21:7

Often times we have what we hope and believe the plan of the Lord is for us.  We hear of certain opportunities, certain promises, etc. and we get excited.  Truly this is what the Lord would desire for me!  Truly God would want me to have “X” or “Y” or even “Z!”  It fits all the requirements.  It meets all my desires.  It seems to be made for me.
And then, . . .

It doesn’t happen.  It falls through.
So I sit right now. 

Ever been in an earthquake?  You are going along with your life and then everything that looks solid and firmly planted starts to shake. Things fall of the shelves.  The walls may crack and the windows break. You may instinctively reach for something to hold on to; something to help you get your balance.  The problem is everything is shaking.
 “. . . through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken.”
I believed that my trust was and is in the Lord, but it does not say that it is because of my trust in God that I would not be shaken . . . indeed while I am trusting in Him I may be shaken.  Indeed the whole house may be falling down around me.  All of this while still trusting in the Lord.  God does not promise that our trust in him will prevent us from being shaken.  During times of earthquakes in our lives it is not the trust in Him that keeps us standing solid, erect and in confidence it is His unfailing love that prevents us from being shaken.

See right now I need His love.  The love that says that I am His child and He will never leave me or actively push me away from him.  The love that says to me – peace be still.  The love that recognizes that I am frail, weak, and scared and simply lets me know He is here, all is well, I am not alone. It is this love that keeps me from being shaken.
So I will be still and know that He is God.  I will ponder on the love that He has for me.  I will rejoice in the knowledge of His presence.  I will accept the hug and the peace.
Yes I will continue to trust in the Lord, until I die.
I will also continue to bathe in His love for me.  In His love I can not be shaken.
Got Word?
Love yah,

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