Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The purpose of THIS day . . .

This is the day that the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it!

            Psalm 118:24 (Hebrew Names Version)

I was on the train this morning commuting into D.C.  With two hours to ride, I could not keep my eyes open, so as I thought that I would simply close them for a moment, with the idea that I would open them very shortly and get to work.  Instead I opened them right when the conductor announced that we would be arriving at Union Station soon.  But what I saw at that moment filled me with awe and amazement!  Upon opening them I saw the sun bursting through the clouds with this one thought bursting through the fog in my brain:

This is the day that the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it!

This day was made by the Lord.  And for what purpose . . . that we would rejoice and be glad in it!  Seemed simple enough a thought, until I started wondering why the writer felt it necessary to tell us to rejoice and be glad.  It is not stated as an idea, like we may rejoice and be glad in it.  Instead it is stated as an imperative . . . as a command . . . we WILL rejoice and be glad in it.

It is the intention of the Lord, HIS purpose for our lives, that we rejoice in THIS day.  He made it for just that purpose!  So . . . if I refuse to rejoice and be glad in it I am going against God’s design for the day.  For some of us just knowing it is His will and we would be being disobedient if we don’t do it is enough for us to do whatever it is. But for some of us, me often included, just being told something to do, especially when we don’t feel it . . . well that just doesn’t cut it.  So for the rest of us who may need more, perhaps a look at the words may help.

Rejoice means to show great joy and delight.  It is a verb, meaning it is an action.  It comes from Anglo-French origin rejoir or to welcome and enjoy.  To welcome and enjoy.  Hmmm  And glad means to experience joy and pleasure.  Hmm

So . . .  plugging in the definition . . .

“This is the day that the Lord has made.  We will welcome it and enjoy it and experience joy and pleasure in it.”

What happened yesterday is yesterday.  Today is a new day. Your and my future is not created by what was done yesterday or even what we may think we will do tomorrow, but it is created by what we do today.  No matter how bad yesterday was; no matter what we have from yesterday which seems to be affecting today . . . today is a NEW day with a NEW opportunity to create a NEW life and a NEW future.  Is that not a reason to rejoice and be glad in it, to welcome and enjoy it and experience joy and pleasure in it?! 

And remember Rejoice is a verb.  Action is required.  So you were crying . . . start laughing.  So you did not do what you needed to do yesterday, you have today to do what you can do today.  So there was dancing yesterday and joy in the house, and today the sun rises on stillness and quiet . . . you have today to create new memories, to cherish the old and embrace the new; to build on the positive. Get to DOING the welcoming and enjoying of THIS day!

Come to think of it, I think God had something going on here when He created THIS day.  I think I like its purpose.  I think, NO I KNOW I will follow his command.  I welcome this day to enjoy all it has to offer.  I will be glad and take pleasure in it.  You do too.  God always has the right idea for our well being.

Got Word?

Love yah,

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