Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Proverbs 15                                                                                            

Good morning son,

As I sit here this morning I feel completely overwhelmed. I have more to do than I have time to do it in, or strength to accomplish. In the back of my mind I kinda think that I could get way more accomplished than not but inside I do not want to put forth the effort. So how will I push myself forward today to do the work required?

Proverbs 15:10

“Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path; he who hates correction will die.”

There is an old negro spiritual which goes as such:

“I've made my vow to the Lord and I never will turn back,
Oh, I will go,
I will go,
To see what the end will be . . .”

In seminary they noted that many of the spirituals were actually songs of deliverance; songs which told fellow slaves yearning for freedom a coded message. So in the presence of the master of oppression they could sing the songs and communicate the hope and the message of freedom. So what do you think this song was saying?

See the slave understood that once on the railroad to freedom there was no turning back. Although they had not truly tasted of freedom, although they only had a glimmer of an understanding of what it would feel like – they knew it was better than what they had come from and worth running, and pressing onward toward. They captured within the song the essence of the covenant relationship with a God who promised freedom – “my vow to the Lord.” If they had read this verse in Proverbs they would have clearly grasped the immense powerful motivational kernel of truth within it, a truth that would have only further empowered them to press forward towards freedom, to never turn back.

“Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path . . .” Biblical scholars will speak of the path of the Lord, the will He has for your life; a will which brings forth life and that more abundantly; a will which emboldens you in the midst of adversity to stand for the right. They would speak of a path which is set before you through His word, and whose direction is enlightened by the Holy Spirit which teaches you all things. They would speak of a path where God's covering resides; a path where angels tread and demons fear to be found. They would speak of a path where sickness and fear of death have no power over the traveler; a path where the traveler is transformed with every step. They would speak of a path where the traveler experiences their needs and desires being met by the one who commissioned them to travel. They would speak of a path which has at its core a reunification with a loving God where there is no barrier of sin or error. They would speak of a path . . . no . . . the path we have been called to walk, you and I.

But outside of that path . . . you do not reach your destination . . . the ultimate reward of freedom is lost . . . and the enemy is found seeking to devour you. See once you came into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ you entered into a covenant which sets you on a path that should you decide to step away from you will find a tremendous amount of torment and pain. The enemy who wishes to destroy you will do his best to do so. This in turn acts as a disciplinary force, drawing you back to the God who loves and cares for you.

Does it feel good. No. But if it did you would not get back on the path. So should we disdain and hate the discipline?

“. . . he who hates correction will die.”

Obviously the answer is no. Absent acceptance of the discipline or correction we would stay in the state of being lost and never fully attain the peace, love or joy – the inheritance from God our father which is ours as his children.

It is a loving thing for my God to say, no. To remove His covering and let me feel the sting of the consequence of my sin, of my removing myself from His path. It reminds me of His loving care, of the place where I am safe and whole. It draws me back to Him and therefore true love, compassion, mercy and tender care. It draws me back to the path of abundant life.

So, with this verse in Proverbs I will be encouraged to stay on the path. I will do as the Apostle Paul wrote (and yes – you will have to look it up)
“Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

I like the Old King James version – “I press forward towards the mark of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus!”

Will you? It is not about the past.

Look at our pericope again(pericope -one of those high sounding seminary words which just means the the passage we are studying – but makes you sound SO cool and “edumacated” amongst your peers . . . LOL). The stern discipline is not past tense but present. It is “waiting” for us to step off the path. Thus no past wrongs, or “step aways” are disciplining us as we travel walking ON the path. They, the past,  have no hold on us from moving forward. Also, I would be amiss not to note that past successes also do not hold us from a greater future. Successes? Yes, Successes!

Haven't you ever had the thought “it couldn't get any better than this.” Well . . . in Christ that is a lie straight from the pit of hell! The path of Christ is constantly moving us forward over mountains and through valleys, from glory to glory. It only gets better! The Apostle Paul notes that he will not let memory of ANY past event or experience to be brought forward by himself; that he takes an active role in forgetting the past good and bad, in as much as it would prevent him from reaching the prize in Christ Jesus . . . from moving forward.

So I will take the warning from Proverbs and the advise of Paul today to do more than I would have thought possible. To experience His love and empowerment. To be obedient to His voice. To be all that He has made me to be!

You can too. Get a piece of paper that you will carry with you all day. On the front side of the paper at the top of the page write out Proverbs 15:10. Below that take the pen and write down what you think God has told you to do today. Now turn the paper to the other side. Write out
Philippians 3:13-14. Now if you are thinking anything which would prevent you from doing what He has told you to do today, write it down below this verse. Read the verse out loud and turn the page back to the front and get to doing what God has told you to do.

Any time today that a reason that you can not do “whatever” pops up in your head, pull that paper out and write in on the back side. Say Philippians 3:13-14 again out loud. Now, turn the paper over. Say Proverbs 15:10 out loud and look at your list. Get back to work.

You will be amazed at how God will empower you today to do what you thought was impossible, but that with Him . . . well . . . a victorious, accomplished day . . . well that . . . is just His intended norm for you and me.

Love yah,

Proverbs 14                                                                                                                              

Good morning my son,                                                                                                                         

I trust that you had a good night of sleep. I slept well. But woke up with my head aching. And I think I know why. Thinking.

I have a lot of decisions to make, small and big, and I am just plain tired of thinking. I realize I am responsible for my decisions. I realize that to make them without thinking them through is a foolish thing to do, and yet, I am still tired of thinking. Persons have told me in the past that I over analyze stuff. That I should not be concerned with where a path may be taking me. Just relax and “Laizze le bon temps roule!” - french for “Let the good times roll!” Indeed it does feel good to not think and just live . . . for a short period of time, for a season. But is it wise?

Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”

Proverbs 14:14 “The faithless will be fully repaid for their ways, and the good man rewarded for his.

When you read Proverbs 14 today, take a look at how much that is talked about there requires contemplation or thinking. What doesn't require it relates back to it such as vs. 12 above. Here it clearly lets you know that directions and decisions that you make may seem okay with you but actually will destroy you. I've heard it called, “stinking thinking.” That sounds okay, except for the fact that it implies that the thinking is wrong on its face, not sincere, faulty in some manner that we know but choose, for whatever reason, to ignore. Here in this passage the thinking which leads to the decision seems okay, indeed it seems right, but in reality it is not. In reality it leads to death.

It is important to note that this ability to get it wrong is not limited to the unrighteous or heathen, those who do not know or want to know God and His love for them, but is capable by all. His children, you and I are not immune to getting it wrong.

If you stop here in your study of the verse all you have is a warning to think right, to choose your path carefully. Unfortunately you would have no standard. However, carefully looking at the verse you do see that the standard being applied in our belief that the path is okay to take is man . . . “seems right to a man.” Not the path that is right by God's direction, but man's.

Proverbs 14:14 tells us that a good man's way will be rewarded. That if you choose the correct path, God's path and follow it – if your thinking is in accord with God's – then you will be rewarded accordingly. In addition it gives us a way of identifying the path.

Sometimes a tremendous amount of insight can be gained in understanding a passage by looking at different translations. Above we have the New International Version. Let's look at it in the New Revised Standard Version.

Proverbs 14:14 “The perverse gets what their ways deserve, and the good, what their deeds deserve.”

Instead of “faithless” they use “perverse.” The scholars interpreting the manuscript here chose to make a distinction between “ways” and “deeds.” Perhaps what they are saying is that the “perverse” or “faithless” their “way” is contrary to God's by very design and therefore all their “deeds” which are taken because of their chosen “way” naturally don't result in anything good. However, the “good” or by implied contrast interpretation, the “good” or the “those full of faith” get a reward of good.

This would make sense in that the bible says the “the just shall live by faith.” and you can not please God without having and living by faith in Him. What is of shock to me is that to live outside of faith is not only being “faithless” but “perverse.”

Do you see it . . . it is the intended order of a loving God that we live in a relationship with Him whereby we, by faith, plan our way. It is not abnormal to have our journey, our way dictated by God through our faith and calling upon Him but it is the intended norm! Our thoughts, our thinking process should be in accord with His. And as His power and authority are limitless, and as He sees all, knows all, and is in control of all – it should not be any surprise for us at all that the path that He may direct us on is beyond our capabilities to do in and of ourselves and is beyond our understanding, an understanding which absent God is limited to our perspective as man.

So what are we to do? Do we really have to be concerned about vs. 12 – about choosing a way which may seem right to us but leads to death?

Yes, if we are not following what God has said for us to do. Yes, if our “deeds” do not mirror the God living inside of us through His Holy Spirit, and the written word which has been given to us – you know the bible. Yes, if we are not thinking in accordance with the mind of Christ. Yes, if we are deliberately choosing not to do that which we know is His will. Yes, if we have decided to wall by sight and not by faith – to live the perverse life, the abnormal and not the intended norm for His children and indeed all mankind. See it is God's design that our path show forth to the world that we “walk by faith and not by sight” (look it up).

I may be tired of thinking. Yes, indeed I am. But partly because it is me trying to figure out all the ins and outs. God charges us to seek diligently for wisdom and to gain understanding. This tells me in any case it will not be an easy process. But WHERE I place my thoughts and by whose standard I am willing to abide by, . . . . well if it is in accordance with His mind . . . He then accomplishes His will in my life and I receive the good reward for my labor.

Take a look at your plans. Are they in accordance with His word. Are you just “be-bopping” along, “whatever will be will be?” When you take a look at your life – does any scriptures pop up in your head which might raise some concern about the path you are taking, your decisions? Are you in a relationship which you feel necessary because of your need or because they are a nice person, you don't want to hurt them, or perhaps you wonder who else would I be with – I would whether be with them rather than alone? Do you fear God more than you fear the loss of “whatever” if you would follow Him? Do you not know that God loves you and is willing and able to fulfill every God given desire even that of companionship when it is best for you? He loves you better than anyone one else? Do you really believe that? And if you say you do, then why not follow His plan as His plan will be the best for you.

I love you, but God loves you best. Take some time today to seek him. Read Proverbs 14 and Psalm 14 in their entirety. I think you will find some parallels between Proverbs and Psalm. Be sure to write down what leaps off the page to you, and what you think God is saying to you.

He is speaking. Are you listening?

Got Word?

Love yah,

Proverbs 13   (Beware strong language)                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Good morning son,

I want to rush into today's study as quickly as I would like to see the results from the application of God's word in my life – like yesterday. Indeed the verses are right in line with how I feel this morning.

Proverbs 13:12
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”

Proverbs 13:19
“A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but fools detest turning from evil.”

Psalm 13: 1-2, 5-6

“How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How log will my enemy triumph over me?”
“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord for he has been good to me.”

The passages that leaped off the pages into my spirit this morning walk hand in hand with each other. They seem to give a complete understanding that absent each other would be lacking. Let's start in Proverbs.

Vs 12 and 19 both speak of a “longing” fulfilled – a desire of long standing. They must be examined in parallel and in conjunction with each other otherwise you might miss the character of the longing that is fulfilled. We can all relate to the first part of vs 12 – growing sick for something that we have wanted for a long time.

Momma P can always tell when I am fighting being depressed or “heart sick,” for in spite of as much as I try not to, I stop doing all sorts of seemingly little things which make the whole household run smoothly. Forget about picking up clothes – not done. Removing your plate from the table to the sink – forever forgotten. Making up the bed when you get out of it in the morning – what bed? Am I really up? Why is this happening?

Remember a couple of days back when we spoke of the heart being the source of the essence of who we are, our internal being where the eternal comes to reside and transform us from the inside out. Well when the heart is “sick” that transformation from the inside out is still occurring but its like having leukemia, where the sickness is being spread from the place where the healing should flow. So naturally, the first to go are the things you just think that you don't have to think about. And where a deep seated desire has been there, unfulfilled for a long long time, it is sickening to the core. It is no wonder that the writer notes that its fulfillment is the tree of life! That is, it is the tree of life unless the desire is outside of God's character – that which is not best for us.

All of us have had such desires. Maybe it is for that new car which you know will be of such “service for the Lord” and will give HIM such glory. Of course how could it not? A brand new fully loaded Beamer with a bumper sticker subtly proclaiming the glory of God. A bumper sticker with a small gold cross with crown in the corner, that reads: “this is what my daddy gave me. Who's your daddy?” Obviously God is glorified.  LOL I honestly don't understand why He hasn't bless me with that car yet. A heart based desire unfulfilled, . . . look out, I am beginning to feel faint. (LOL)

Or maybe the desire is for THAT one – you know the one – the one that makes your heart skip just thinking about them. You are nervous all around them. You loose your cool cat demeanor when they come around. In fact you become down right unsure of everything you would do and say. You know the one who . . . when you are around them . . . you begin to feel that unmistakable yearning in your groin, that burning desire, that . . . . .

WOOWW there horsey!! Did you feel that? That's EXACTLY the point! You felt that didn't you! You have such a strong desire. A heart felt desire felt thoughout your entire being. I don't understand why he doesn't seem to be hearing that one? Hey, you've found the tree of life. Right?

Vs 12 only tells us part of the truth. The other half of it is found in vs 19, which sets the parameters of for this desire – its character, its nature.

The fulfilled longing which is “sweet to the soul” is contrasted with the conjunction “but” and “turning from evil.” This simple “but” says to us that the character of the desire which, when fulfilled is sweet to the soul, is not evil but good. What do I mean? It is that the desire is good, it is within God's will for us, not contrary to His word, does not cause us to stumble or fall.

Please note that the desire may not be evil in its self – however, its timing and the means of acquiring it may be evil. For example: There is nothing wrong with having the desire for THAT one that causes that particular burning in your loins, in your inmost part, nor in its expression – at the proper time, i.e. within the parameters of marriage. Otherwise you may find yourself doing it under the authority of man not God you know what that is. It has a term going way back to the days of the king – “F.U.C.K.” or "Fornication Under the Consent of the King." Problem is it is still fornication – sex outside of the design of God, and no earthly king can save us from the consequences of such actions, even the earthly king of ourselves. There is but ONE true King and He is not you or I.

So we see that a right desire – in accord with God's Word, His heart for us – when this character of desire is fulfilled it is the tree of life, is sweet to the soul. Well I guess I will just go on home, I Got Word now. But why is it that if it is a longing that is right in accordance with God's will for me that I have the desire delayed? Why not just give it to me now? Is it really His will that such a desire be delayed?
And what do I do in the meantime while waiting?

I can't tell you why you have to wait. I could pontificate (big word that just means talk on and on like an authority on a matter -result you tune me out LOL) as to possible reasons. I could even use scripture to show you why. Maybe another time. But for now what is most important is that we realize that it is often his desire that we wait and struggle during the wait.

Remember Psalm 13: 1-2

“How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How log will my enemy triumph over me?”

Wow God. This plan of yours, well God . . . it simply seems to suck! I have to wrestle with my thoughts, have sorrow in my heart? I have to live through seeing my enemy triumph over me? This sucks. What am I supposed to get out of this Lord?
Well I am glad you asked.

Look at Psalm 13: 5-6

“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord for he has been good to me.”

Biblical scholars argue about this passage. Some say that 5-6 was after God had delivered the writer. Others argue that it was written during the time of longing, of having a desire unfulfilled. I agree with the latter. I believe that it was not after but during his longing and unmet desire. See it is during the darkest points in our lives, those moments that we do not see the Hand of God working and moving in our lives, when we do not seem to hear His voice so clearly, when we are bleeding, seemingly with no way of stopping the flow, when we are crying out in front of our enemies from our oppressed state, when we are “tore up from the ground up” that we need to trust in His unfailing love oh the more so. It is when my knees become worn out as I daily, hourly and immediately cry out to the God of my salvation. Indeed the Hebrew word used for trust (batah) in the translation is in the present tense. So the passage would be interpreted as “But I am trusting in your unfailing love.”

So in the meantime we trust in His unfailing love.

We also rejoice in His salvation. Now remember that we said the the trust is present tense. The rejoicing also must therefore be present tense. But if it is there seems to be a contradiction for the rejoicing seems to be being done during the time that the desire has not been fulfilled! What's happening here? “the just shall live by faith” (you know the drill – look it up) By faith we in the midst of the longing rejoice in God having fulfilled the longing although the only evidence we have of his having done so is His word that He will! We stand on the word of God. We know that no purpose of his can be thwarted! We already know that the desire is of the Lord then we know that He will cause it to be. His unfailing love is directly tied to his unfailing salvation! He will not fail to grant us the longing of our heart, as our heart is in accord with His.

So we rejoice in His salvation of us, His fulfillment of the longing He has placed within us in the midst of the seeming lack of such desire. And then, . . .

We sing to the Lord for he has been good to me.

Interesting thing, this singing to the Lord stuff. In the midst of not seeing His hand granting me the desire of my heart, a desire in line with His word and His will for me, I am to find that which is good to sing about. “His mercies are new every morning . . .” “Great is His faithfulness.” Yes. I am indeed to look at how awesome he is in meeting our needs even in the time of not having met our desires. Paul asked to have a thorn in his flesh, something which was bothering him greatly, removed. God's answer – “my grace is sufficient.” Unless we learn that we can be “content in all circumstances” we will never learn to have no fear in pressing forward, in being bold at what we have been called to do – in being bold in doing much good. We won't be free to be all that we have been designed to be!  And that freedom is essential to living the abundant life God has for each of us!

Well I did not set out to see the why we have to wait and struggle in that waiting. But perhaps we did find it. God wants us to experience the freedom of trusting Him in all things, of knowing his unfailing love for us in and through the dark places of our lives. He will fulfill His longings within us and he will keep us in the meantime while we wait upon Him. We must simply do the work of trusting, rejoicing and singing praise to him.

May God grant you the longings He has placed in your heart. And while you are waiting may you trust in His unfailing love, rejoice in the sure knowledge of His salvation and remember and sing praises for all the goodness He has showered upon you in the midst of your enemies.

Love yah,

Proverbs 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Good morning son,

I really like to wake up very early and spend my time with God. It is at that time that I read the word and seek him. It is at that time that I Got Word and prepare myself for the day. Before anything else, before hearing anyone else speak, I want to here Him. His words bring life.

But this morning, I woke late and had to start the rest of my morning routine, which includes turning on the news as I work in the kitchen. I usually do not pay very much attention to what is being shown on the screen for I am busy cooking and packing. But this morning while in the midst of everything the commentator said “Stop what you are doing right now, Stop! Take a look at the screen and take in this gorgeous sunrise!”

Psalms 12:6-7: “The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. You shall keep them, O Lord, you shall preserve them from this generation for ever.”

Proverbs 12:14: “From the fruit of the mouth one is filled with good things, and surely the work of his hands rewards him.”

The commentator's words brought me from my simple and routine task, focusing me for just that brief moment on the beauty of God's creation. “Consider the Heavens from where your help comes, your help comes from the Father above who made the heavens and the earth.” (look it up). The Psalmist lets us know that God's words can be trusted. That His words will stand and be found true from each generation going forward. Forever, and ever.

I could not help but think about all the newscasts I have seen in my life. How many times I was told by one reporter or another the so called facts of something only to later hear a report directly to the contrary. How many times I was assured this was the “real deal,” on eating this or that for your health.
“The Atkins diet is the cure all for heart disease.” “Eat pork, its the other white meat.” “Leaching the blood is back – remove the poisons from your body.” In short, with respect to the enduring truth of these reports, I have only one word - “NOT.”

But God's word is true. It stands the test of time. It will endure from generation to generation. It does not change, although our understanding of it may. Its promises and curses remain. Its transforming effect in the lives of all of us who study and believe in the God it introduces us to, is real and everlasting.

So we can trust in His word. And if so, there is a truth from His lips that we should grab hold of and not let go; which we should be ever mindful as we go about the day; that we should not ever EVER EVER forget to practice – speaking life and working hard!

The passage in Proverbs lets us know that our words have power! AWESOME power! Don't believe me, think about it. We've heard it, the power of positive thinking. The courts have a cause of action based upon verbal abuse – why? Because it destroys a person. Power in words. There were times when I was growing up I would have preferred that my mom simply gave me the spanking I deserved verses the “tongue lashing” for hours. Words go down deep and bear fruit up. By fruit I mean they transform your life, changing your thoughts and either lifting you up to do the impossible or to shrink in front of the doable. Do you enjoy being around someone whose every other word is F@#% that! Sh@* ?

I remember in high school we had to read the book the “Catcher in the Rye.” I was so thrilled to be able to read outloud cursing and cussing without fear of my grandmother's legendary reprisal, her taking a bar of soap and a dirty rag from of a rusty nail hanging by the toilet and washing that filth out of my mouth (I love my grandma but the taste of ivory soap – NOW THAT was cruel and unusual punishment! LOL). In any case reading cuss words out loud was fun for about one class. Afterwards I hated picking up the book to read. By the time we got to the end of the book I had increased my daily baths to three! I felt so physically dirty! And it was just words? No it was JUST words, powerful transforming words.

Well now I have the F@#% this and that, and the Sh@* to this and that out of my system. I recently heard a minister speak about just how confused we are making our spirits through our speech – when all of the sudden we say “that is the S@*” for something that is just AWESOME! Think, for a moment, what if we knew that we could destroy a whole people by just changing their vocabulary. By changing how the speak and what they speak about.

In every case of an oppressed people the first thing that is changed is their language. The slaves were told they could not speak their native tongue. Can not sing the songs of old (look in the Word – this was done to the Hebrew people too). Their clothes were changed and a new job given to them. Not to be political, but I can't help but notice the similarities in our treatment of our hispanic American brothers and sisters in the Lord. Hmmm.

New language, new clothes, and a new job. Are you oppressed by your own words? What do you say to yourself? Whose power are you calling upon to do what you have to do?

Don't miss that the fruit of speech is tied to the fruit of work. See you will be rewarded with the fruit from your lips and the work of your hands will be your reward also.

Think for a moment – Is prayer really for the Lord or for us? In prayer we bring our needs to the Lord, we acknowledge His all sufficiency, we praise Him and thank Him for His provision, we call upon Him for His salvation and retell of His wondrous works. And then . . . we receive the fruit of the prayer in our lives. (look up the passage that talks about praying in secret and how and where you will receive your reward – awesome).

Think for a moment – is the acts that we do in faith, based upon what God has directed us to do for Him or for us. If all we did was say we had this great feeling of faith and no acts in obedience to that word, then what result would we have? The Apostle Paul said faith without works is dead. Why? Because this principle is in play – you receive a reward from, or directly as a result of, your work by faith.

In a few minutes I am going to be leaving for work. Although the office will be open before I get there I will not be paid for the time I wasn't there. I only get a reward for my work, from my work. This is biblical not “hocus pocus.”

I think I have said more than enough. Now comes the time for you. Today, I would like for you to do a particular prayer or speaking with your lips back to God:

“Lord Jesus, I pray that the Father of Glory may give to me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in and through the knowledge of him: that the eyes of my understanding may be opened; that I may know fully what is the hope of my calling , and what are the riches of the glory of your inheritance for me as one of your own children; and that I may experience your exceeding greatness and your AWESOME power in and through me and for me your child, the power which gives me the strength and boldness to do the work you have given me this day to do; I thank you that you hear me always when I seek you and that you hear this prayer and make it real in my life this day. I thank you for blessing me indeed, enlarging my territory, keeping your hand upon me, and keeping me from evil that I might not subcome to pain. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen”

If you want to look up Ephesisans 1:17 – 19 you might see the amazing similarites in the prayer above. And for the ending, look up Jabez – one of my favorite guys.

Heh . . . and then . . . go to work . . . do what you have to do today . . . and receive your reward from your work!

The reporter's word's today will not stand the test of time. But he was right in one thing – he pointed me to the heavens, the evidence and work of the one whose words have stood the test of time and will for an eternity.

Conform your language and speech in line with the Word of God. Clean it up. Make sure it speaks life. Do the work before you. Receive your reward from your speech and your labor. God does not lie. It will work.

Love yah,


PS: I would not stop saying that prayer. I won't and maybe a little later we can check in with each other and tell how it worked out in our lives. Love you.
Proverbs 11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Good morning son,

Some mornings in your life you will feel like the night has not ended. This is one of those mornings for me.

Recently I was told that I was not a man of integrity. That bothered me greatly. I guess that is why the following verses leaped off the page to me. In fact I found myself having a big difficulty getting past the very first one.

Proverbs 11: 1

“A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but just weight is his delight.”

Proverbs 11:3

“The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.”

I would like to just stop here and say – you go on with the Lord and deal with this one. They are difficult verses to work with and through. Remember the never ending night . . . well . . . on such days do you decide not to wake up and get going? No, you press forward into the day, no matter how dark it looks. In studying His word -- where we think we might not like where it takes us – we must still press on.

In homiletics (the study of preaching or proclaiming the word) class one day I told my interpretation of a passage which spoke about the people going up to Jerusalem. I spoke eloquently about how that symbolized the difficulty in life of reaching a goal. How Jerusalem was on a hill and the roads leading up to it were very hard. So therefore we could ascertain the hardness of the journey. My professor listened intently to what I was saying and then warned me to be careful trying to read into a verse or passage more than what is there – the writer there was simply saying they were going up to Jerusalem. Look at the context he would say.

Here is one of those times I would like to simply say the writer is referring only to what is written there – that he is talking about nothing but the scales and weights used in the market place of his time. And indeed an argument can easily be made for that. But considering the two verses which follow perhaps, an argument could equally be made that he is referring to more than commercial transactions.

You break the spirit of a child when the severity of the punishment does not match the severity of the wrong committed. There is a need for a just weight. (“Fathers do not frustrate your children” - look it up). No relationship can last where every wrong is treated with the same weight of offense. Indeed some wrongs are given greater weight in God's scales of offense just because of the position held by the person committing it. (Teachers are told they will be whipped with many a stripe if they miscommunicate the truth – hmmm, perhaps I may wish to reconsider these GW's? lol) . And the verse here is followed by two verses which deal more directly with heart issues than pure commercial matters.

Proverbs 11:2-3

“When pride comes, then comes shame: but with the humble is wisdom. The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.”

Hmm. Perhaps the writer means to look at more than commercial transactions, but dealings of a broader nature between individual's; i.e., how individual's weigh each other's actions out in relationships to the righteous standard.

In every scripture there are different players involved. In this one we have the merchant or seller, the buyer and the scales, or for the purposes of our analysis – God's word. Whoever is buying or selling a position, action, or belief must bring it to the scales, to God's word where the proper weights are, to weigh it out. Its 5:46AM, and it has been a long night – I hope that I am making sense. See we may wish to give something more weight than it is due in a relationship. Some offenses you simply forgive and go on, no discussion except with the Lord. Others require some discussion and others an intense let's work it through session or more. But in all instances the standard weights to be used is the word of God.

The writer makes it clear that some things will get in the way and cause different consequences – in particular "Pride" and "Lack of Integrity." Pride may make us want to lift up something of our doing as if it is the “cat's meow.” With pride we adjust the scales to make sure that we come out on top, we can not afford the pain of not getting the upper hand in the transaction. It would threaten our idol – whatever that may be. So we spare no tool in accomplishing our objective. We may “color the truth” with perceived motives. Wrong motives will always tip the scale in your favor – at least for a while. Our memory may be altered to protect or promote our position. As I get older and older I see more clearly the benefit of texting in the record it provides for me.

See God looks at the heart, He is the one who searches the heart's of others. We are only charged to search our own and are told to examine the “fruit” of ones life – “you shall know the tree by the fruit it bears” - “ask me of my faith and I will show you my works.” (you know the drill – look them up!). Is discernment thrown out – NO. It is however, not of motives but of spirit - “try the spirit by The Spirit” (look it up). The standard for discernment is by the Spirit of God, and as His spirit is embodied in His word, it is extremely important, ESPECIALLY when you know that the matter you are trying to win out on is close to your heart, and may easily hurt your pride if not acquired, that you examine things in light of His scales, His word. Attributing motives to others actions where the fruit is good, especially if you have been the beneficiary of the fruit – man you ate of it, enjoyed it, etc. – hmmm you might want to be very careful.

And what of integrity? How does integrity or lack of it mess up the scales in relationships?
Webster's describes integrity as: “uprightness of character; probity; honesty – undivided state; completeness. It lists as synonyms fidelity, justice, virtue and worth. A long time ago I heard a analytical working definition I liked – you can see a man's character by what he does when he has no choice. His integrity by what he does when he has a choice. So, for example – when I have only enough money for bills and necessities I do not have the choice as to whether to remain faithful, go drinking and carousing, go to bars and strip clubs – my actions in such a case shows forth my character; but when I have more than enough money, or a source of money unknown to the Mrs., I then have the opportunity to do all those things which are not wise at all and would violate my covenant with God and her – then my actions show forth my integrity. You can see in both character and integrity as defined by our actions, that the
passage would be easily interpreted:

“The integrity of the upright will guide them . . .”

See here our belief guides us in our actions and activities. But we must not forget that for that to constitute integrity it must be in accordance with the scales of God. See Websters would say that we are walking in integrity if our actions were in complete accord with our beliefs, an undivided state. But that could be the case and we could be pure evil. The scripture says integrity guides one, the upright and then it contrasts integrity of the upright with perverseness of transgressors. Although it does not clearly state – since they are contrasting statements – antithesis of each other – then the results, or fruit, of each action would be also. Thus if perverseness will lead to destruction, integrity would lead to salvation and life.

And indeed it does. But that is the easy part of our analysis. What about the scales? Is there such a thing as weighing the integrity of a person? Can someone have both integrity in one area and lack it in another. Could there be life and salvation in one area of your life and death and destruction in another?
In law school they taught us that oftentimes you will find the answer in the phrasing of the question. Here is an example of such. The answer is obviously yes.

You and I are charged to “workout your salvation with fear and trembling.” Is it saying that by works we would be saved. NO. What it is saying is that when standing before a Holy God we should see the areas in our life which lack holiness, which do not mirror His righteousness, which . . . lack integrity according to His scales, and allow him to, indeed partner with Him in the transforming of those areas to mirror his image. Oh, and about the fear and trembling part – recognize just how serious a matter this is. In Hebrews it warns us to not continue laying again repentance from dead works, God expects us to grow up.

Once told I had no integrity I heard myself saying “I am a good man. I am a good husband. I am a good father.” And indeed I am. This assurance I have from the Holy Spirit who convicts of righteousness.

Well if I stop there I can walk away feeling pretty good about myself. I can think of all the good fruit that is evidence of each of those affirmations. And yet, something would be missing. Let's step back to the scales for a moment.

The weights used in weighing items on the scales were very exact, they were not approximations. Neither can we, myself included, use “approximate” weights. In this case, to simply see the good without examining where there is bad, well that is not using His exacting scales and weights. See the Holy Spirit convicts of SIN and righteousness (I left this part out above quoting only the end of it for emphasis and understanding – now it may sound more familiar). Where is integrity NOT being the guide in my life. Where do I see death. Where is there no "good fruit"? Where are these things for you? Take a moment and jot them down. Then agree with Him. Covenant with Him to work out your salvation in that area. Let integrity be your guide and experience salvation and life!

See I both am and am not a man of integrity. That is true. The issue is whether I am willing to continue to do the work necessary in being perfected according to His Word, His scales and weights, in all those areas where I found pride interfering and/or integrity lacking. For me the answer is yes.

What about you?

There will always be areas of your life where the dark night seems to continue into the new day. Don't give up. Let the word of God wake you up and keep pressing on. Take yourself to the scales -- His scales. Beware of your pride and stand in His integrity.

Love yah,


Monday, February 27, 2012

Proverbs 10                                                                                                           

Good morning son,

A “Netti pot” is a marvelous invention. I woke up this morning with my head all stopped up on one side, unable to talk, with a severely irritated throat causing me tremendous pain to swallow.

Then came the “Netti pot.” With a little salt water, and the flow of the water through my nostrils – I start to feel the clearing of my sinuses. After each rinse I blow my nose and see the color of the mucus. To my surprise I start to cough up “gunk.” Instead of just doing one rinse per nostril I decide that I am going to continue to rinse until the mucus is clear. I feel the burning of the salt as it moves through the cavities. In about 7 minutes I am successful. I can breathe. I can talk, and to my surprise – I can swallow without any pain!

Proverbs 10 and Psalm 10 seem to be written for each other, almost like brothers and sisters. I could not help but marvel at the contrast of evil to good, actions to consequences in both. In fact a reading and study of the two provides also a fullness which may be missed in looking at just one.

Proverbs 10:10 leaped off the pages to me:
“Whoever winks the eye causes trouble, but the one who rebukes boldly makes peace.”

And, Psalm 10:5

“His ways (the wicked) are always prosperous; he is haughty and your laws are far from him; he sneers at all his enemies.”

They leaped off the pages in view of the context of the whole. What do I mean? See Proverbs 10 seems to have direct consequences for each action taken by man. There is no doubt that the consequences for the particular actions will occur. We take encouragement in those promises of God. A man reaps what he sows. If we stop here we will feel so well – but then also so confused. If this is so then why is Psalm 10:5 in the same bible – life giving words from the same God – words also meant to be an encouragement.

Psalm 10:5 embodies what is being done in the first part of Proverbs 10:10. The wicked is haughty or proud. The writer by saying that “your laws are far from him” makes it clear that God's law exists but that he pays no obedience to them. Indeed to him, the wicked, the laws of God is for God's people, for those of you who believe it, not for him. They, the laws, are in a different world, one which would only impact him IF he believed the same. If you are like me, I am sure at some time in your life you wondered, what if I had simply NOT been taught this God stuff?

What if I didn't know about God's perfect design for human sexuality? What if I didn't believe that God is in control of everyone? What if I just removed that little cog of “belief” and simply apply it to something else? And perhaps, if you examine yourself, as I have to also, you will find that in many areas of your life, like me, you have done just that.

God is to be worshiped and praised for his miraculous miracles. Of course. God is to followed in all that “love thy neighbor as thyself” stuff – so I will let them turn in front of me when driving. Of course. But of course there are limits. God does not intend that I REALLY love my enemies, that I REALLY do good to those who wrongfully treat me; who cuss me out, put me down, set me up. That I truly forgive them. God knows that “to err is human but to forgive is divine” ha ha ha AND he KNOWS I am NOT divine. I am no Jesus. And that tithing thing, giving back ten percent of what you make - of of course it applies – well it applied – in old testament times. Why God understands it is a recession.

Indeed, He does, and because He does he said, “bring you all the tithes into the store house, that there may be food in my house (that God may be able to have the resources to do what He does in ministry to the people), and test me, try me, see if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there is not room enough for you to hold. [look it up – hint: Malichi - oh and read a little before and behind the passage also – we are robbing God – see we do not OWN anything we are only STEWARDS everything, always have been (see Adam's charge as to creation)]. But GOD, this would take my believing you and ACTING on that belief. And to be quite frank, I think there are more millionaires that are NOT following you than following you . . . and you know . . . well, you know God . . . WELL just look at your word here:

“His ways (the wicked) are ALWAYS prosperous . . . “

Just in case you missed it God I made it bold and in ALL CAPS, YOU said their ways are ALWAYS prosperous I didn't see where you said that about following you in this loving your neighbor, forgiving, and tithing stuff. What exactly will this “opened the windows of heaven look like? Some spiritual blessing right? Something I can not touch and feel, huh? But I should feel good about it. Right?

Unfortunately you can not see my face while writing this. So you can not see the tears rolling down my face. Why? Because I have thought that and more. And to a certain extent the charge I would put forward to God, my indictment of Him and His plan . . . . is true.

Note in Proverbs 10:10 it does not say that the winking of the eye – which should be interpreted as the secret making of evil plans against another and executing them – will not cause strife, pain or division. Indeed the evil plans will do all of that. Huh? God is telling us He is going to allow this?


Against me?


Okay, maybe I can find some comfort in the other portion of the verse – “but the one who rebukes boldly will make peace.”

Ahhh, now that sounds good. Peace. Ahhh. But wait one minute – peace for who? For the peacemaker? It doesn't say that I will experience the peace only that I will make peace. And even if it is for me, it is after the pain. God, REALLY? This is your plan?

In context my brother. In context you must examine scripture. Look back at Psalms. See it does a great job of telling you of all the power of the wicked up until vs 11 where he proclaims: “God has forgotten; he covers his face and never sees.”

Never sees what?

Look at the rest of the Psalm. The rest of the Psalm is a reminder that God does hear His people. It is a call to God to come and to hold the wicked account. It embodies an assurance that God will see and God will hear and God will avenge. And it ends with an affirmation of God, His authority, and His promise:

“The Lord is King for ever and ever; the nations will perish from HIS land. You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more.”

Whew! This has been quite a ride this morning! See I can see the action and consequences all throughout Proverbs, in context with the temporary, and I do mean TEMPORARY success of the wicked. I can see that there is a plan that God has to prosper us and indeed, it doesn't look like the same as the wicked. God does know what I need? Yes. And will He supply it? Yes He will. We are His children, we are “the sheep of His pasture.” He cares for us. He hears us. And in every area that we fail to choose to believe Him and follow Him the truth of the action vs consequence of Proverbs will be found.

See we may choose to acknowledge the truth of His word or we may not. We may choose to believe in Him or not. We may divide up our belief into neat and tidy boxes of “yes, I do believe that – look at what I do” and “no, this law of God I do not believe - look at what I do not do.” What is completely outside of our control is the consequences of our belief or unbelief and the actions we take or do not take based upon it. God's word is true no matter what we believe or not believe.

Following God's word cleans us up, and makes our lives to function as He intended, much like the Netti pot did for me this morning. However, I would note that when I finished using it I did not walk away with “super human” sinuses. Instead, I had the same sinus cavities I had from birth. The cleaning will be needed again – why? Because I do not live in a world which does not have harmful effects attacking me almost constantly. Is it the Netti pot's fault? Would I have been better off to have never come across that devise? 

Would not coming across it have prevented me from ever having sinus infections? No is the answer to all of the above. 

Just like it is not a belief in God's word that causes my grief, pain or attacks. Just like not having ever been introduced to His Word would not have prevented me from having grief, problems, issues, enemies, and the like in my life. With the Netti pot I did not mask the pain as I would have if I had taken Tylenol or any other pain medication. Instead the use of the Netti Pot took me straight to the cause of the problem, and its clean up. Following the ways of the wicked may temporarily re-leave us of the pain inflicted upon us in the world, but it does not remove the cause. The Word of God does.

May you seek God's Word for each decision you have to make this day. May you recognize the consequences of the your decisions. May you acknowledge His soverignty in and through your obedience to Him today. And may you not loose hope in the temporary victory of the wicked in your life, but hold on to (or like the old saints like to say – “hold fast to” ) the truth of the covenant He has made with you in ultimate victory and success.

This is my prayer for you today,

Love yah,

Proverbs 9                                                                                                            

Good morning son,

Its a very cold morning here near the Blue Ridge mountains. I realized that I had left my computer in the car and put on a coat, hat and shoes (kept my PJ's underneath – no one can see me in the 4AM dark) and rushed to the car. It was supposed to be a quick retrieval of what I needed for the day, and then a quick dart back inside. But that was not to be, for when I put the key into the car door it would not turn! Tried again – won't turn. Check key. Right key. Try again – won't turn.

Okay I know my car just turned 253k miles (may God be glorified for given the understanding to the engineer who designed the volvo, LOL – no seriously), but it is not the locks that should go first! But if I can not open the door how will I get all my important stuff out of the car. How will I get to work? How will I accomplish what I needed to do today? The key HAS to work!

Proverbs 9:4 “You who are simple, turn in here!” - and -
Proverbs 9:16 “You who are simple, turn in here!”

The same words. But they lead to different results. In vs 4 it is Wisdom speaking calling for us simpletons to come and partake of the meal she has prepared for us. I know it sounds a little harsh and really drives home our ignorance to call us “simpletons” but isn't that word accurately captures our stance before wisdom – before we acquire the wisdom of the Lord. She makes it clear that for us to acquire such we must “. . . lay aside immaturity and live and walk in the way of understanding” (vs.6.

Compare that to folly or called here as the foolish woman. In vs 16 she too is calling us simpletons, but here the meal is stolen and consists of only bread and water (compare to Wisdom verses 2, 5), it must be eaten in secret to be enjoyed. There is nothing required of the simpleton but to turn and eat. Nothing to lay aside he gets to stay as he is. No work. But whereas the result of Wisdom's meal and work is life, folly's is death. 

Don't miss the point that there is no expectation of the death that will occur by the simpleton who is sitting at folly's table. Much like we do not see where our sin takes us.

I once heard an old wise saying that went something like this: “Sin takes us further than we wanted to go. Keeps us longer than we intended to stay. And cost us more than we ever intended to pay.”

In looking at the passage we can see several ways of identifying if it is wisdom or folly that we are listening to:

  1. Can you openly do what you want to do. Do you mind if it were published across everyone's twitter account, blogged about, and reported on the 7 o'clock news, and shared at your next family reunion or, . . . hey, played out on a big screen as you are meeting Jesus for the first time in heaven! If it can only be enjoyed in secret – you are not listening to the right voice.
  2. Does it match God's word's and requirements. See Wisdom prepared a feast of meat and bread and wine. Folly water and bread. Meat here symbolizes substance. The word of God is substance. It is something you can “sink your teeth into.” If what you are thinking, pondering or doing is in accordance with His word, then you are living and walking in wisdom. Did you notice something else, the feast was prepared before the need. Point: Check the Word early – Wisdom is there, don't wait to check it, otherwise you might find yourself at the wrong table.
  3. Does it require some personal sacrifice of yourself, your laying down something, does it cost you. Does it require your participation in following. Do you have to become mature – put aside childish ways? Take on responsibility that is properly yours? King David said, “I will not offer unto the Lord, that which costs me nothing. . . “ (you know the drill – look it up!) If it is costing you something, if you are having to put aside childish ways, to mature and accept responsibility then chances are extremely good that you are following the right voice – wisdom. However, if you just kinda slid into it . . . well put it to the test of 1 and 2. Probably not listening to the right voice.

This morning when I could not get the key to work I strted to think of the other ways I could get into my car. Like through the trunk. Finally, I looked at the key, and prayed.

See when you know through 1 -3 above that you are listening to the right voice and it still does not seem to be working then stop and pray. It is not that you are listening to the wrong voice. You may have to do as the Appostle Paul wrote: “and having done all else, stand. . .” ( you know what to do . . .look it up!). Pray. God does intends to meet your needs by legitimate means – His way, through wisdom. Why would you have to try to steal or break into and get that which is already set aside for you! Its yours as His child! So, having followed Wisdom pray.

I prayed. Stuck the key in. Turned the lock. Got my stuff.

My prayer for you today is that you might seek wisdom and gain understanding, listening to its voice. And then stand on the truth. Experience His feast today in your life.

Love yah, dad

PS: Today's reading is Psalm 9 but what did you think about Psalm 8, where God has placed us? Cool Limas right? Okay, I know that the slang used is “cool beans” but I like limas – so – cool limas right? (LOL)
Proverbs 8                                                                                                            

Good Morning Son,

There will be times in your life that you do something really stupid. I did such a thing yesterday. We learn from our mistakes, intentional or unintentional through our experiences. The reason that I advise you to read both Psalms and Proverbs each day is because one, Proverbs, deals more with man to man relations and the other, Psalms, deals more with the relationship between God and man. Our actions man to man are affected by our understanding of our relationship with our God, man to man. Our God to man. So although the readings may seem to be nice tight boxes – like men think – it is more like spaghetti, where everything touches everything else – like women like women think. Thus where we do a stupid act on the man to man level it is directly related to the relationship we have with God. If I have not completely confused you – let me go one step further – man, in relationship with God, acts in relationship with man.

Proverbs 8:1-5 “Does not wisdom call, and does not understanding raise her voice? On the heights, beside the way, at the crossroads she takes he stand; beside the gates in front of the town, at the entrance of the portals she cries out: To you, O people, I call, and my cry is to all that live. O simple ones, learn prudence; acquire intelligence, you who lack it.”

Let's look at this quick and “clean” (“dirty” just didn't seem an appropriate word to use LOL)

Take notice that wisdom and understanding is calling out.
  • Whenever you lack wisdom or understanding you can be assured that it exists for the circumstance you are in.
Note all the places they may be found.
  • Is there a good book, a TV show which may be helpful, or even an examination of nature. Yes all truth resides within the Word. And this truth says it, wisdom and understanding is everywhere. Open you eyes, read, pray and let the Holy Spirit enlighten you as to what is in your presence. Examine all your discoveries in light of His truth, all recommendations and advise. You will find what you seek.
Note that it is to the living that she cries.
  • To the Hebrew God was and is the source of all life. To be truly alive you must have Him, you must be walking by His dictates, His character, etc. Otherwise you were walking dead. But the word used here in its context is to all – including the walking dead. The writer no doubts hopes though that the LIVING will see it – you and I.
The simple are encouraged to gain prudence and those lacking intelligence to acquire it.
  • Prudence and Intelligence. What is prudence? Perhaps we can learn from its synonyms: care, carefulness, caution, circumspection, consideration, discretion, foresight, forethought, judiciousness, judgment. Absent prudence and intelligence we are “simple.” Being simple doesn't sound all that bad does it? Well let me complete the understanding – in context “simple minded.” You can stay there if you want, but I for one do not wish to stay there.

Remember my stupid or rather “simple minded act.” It got put me in some very hot water with the momma P. Wisdom calls out everywhere – I told the truth. A wise act, and yet a painful one also. Sometimes silence is more painful than open rebuke. I know some “friends” that would have recommended that I not go home. Apply the truth of the word to that recommendation proves them no friends at all in that advice. So I did go home, and what happened.

Now if you know Dutchess – our dog (David, I know it was yours but I am not so sure we, okay I will be able to part with her when you graduate – forewarning, LOL), you know that although she doesn't speak english or spanish she does understand both. In addition she is a very good judge of situations, emotions and people. And she is a great defender of momma. If Momma P. is pissed off at me, you can rest assure that Dutchess will let me know. So, I expected to be given quite the cold shoulder from her this morning. And you can imagine the surprise when all she wanted to do was stay close to me and be rubbed, and in my presence. I walked her and thought that she would then leave me alone to take care of my business. But no, she would not. She kept coming back to me, jumping up on me, and bothering me. I tried to walk her again but she refused to go out. Then I noticed that she would not eat unless I was standing right there. When I left the room, she followed. Bugged me till I returned, and then she would eat some more.

When I spoke to Momma P telling her this and putting my spin on it, “I can tell I was talked about a lot.” She responded, “Not at all. She just misses you.”

My eyes have been full ever sense. Momma P applied wisdom and understanding. She reached my heart. It was not a whipping, a nagging or a plea. It was just a powerful simple application of wisdom and understanding to a situation which will not be repeated, which brought through the truth of God's love through her for me, a love which is first. I am home. I could think of no stronger a message to illustrate most powerfully the impact of the man to man interaction based upon the man to God relationship.

As you study the words which leap off the pages to you today in Proverbs 8 and Psalms 8, don't forget to apply them. It is of impact to both you and the world you have been placed in.

Love yah,


Proverbs 7                                                                                                     

Good morning my son,

Well I did weigh myself yesterday and . . . it wasn’t as bad as I
thought or imagined it to be.  Bad but not AS bad.

But it could have been so much better news.  I just can’t imagine how
all those pounds got on me!  I think every donut shop should be burned
to the ground!  And bagel’s – that holy fat muffin – they should all
be banned except for marathon runners, the night before.  They did it
to me!  Or did they?

Three words leaped off the page to me this morning in Proverbs 7 found
in verse 22:

“All at once . . .”

Out of all that is written there these three words looked up at me and
played back a recording of my excuses for going against God’s will in
so many areas of my life . . . see God its not my fault . . .  the
urge just all the sudden over took me . . . I just couldn’t resist . .
. it attacked me . . . I was just temporarily pushed out of control .
. . it just happened so fast, I didn’t have time to think . . . see
its not my fault.

Oh, and as a minister I can wax all religious about it too.  It was not
me that did it but as the Apostle Paul wrote, but sin given power
through the law, residing in the members of my flesh rose up suddenly
and took control so that that which I did not want to do, that is what
I did – you know the “devil made me do it” justification.  Forget all
that writing about but thanks be to God who gives us the power of sin
. . . oh, Paul just wanted to protect his reputation lest you start
thinking that he too was a sinner, or perhaps he just wanted us to
think that we indeed had some power, or at least PAUL did that made
him able to have the victory.  But us – well – we still have the
comfort of complete surprise, being overtaken by our sinful desires,
of having no way to keep from falling – see it happened “all at once .
. .” The devil made me do it.  Right?


See those words bugged the heck out of me simply because they seem SO
very out of place.  From verse 6 – 21 the writer tells you how you get
entrapped in this sexual sin . . . We move near her house walking
towards it(vs 8); under cover of darkness we move (vs 9). We don’t run
when she comes out to meet us (vs10). We notice her dress but do not
pull away instead we give her the once, twice okay you know it three
look over. We are not surprised to find her there for we know
everywhere she is going to be – all places we have purposefully headed
to and all places where her legs should not be (the Hebrew word is
both feet and legs – an open invitation). (vs 11-12). We let her get
so close to us that she can take our face and kiss us (vs13).

I must pause and ask – is this all her fault?  Poor Adam, Eve just
stood there right by Satan talking with the serpent with Adam right
there listening and then she ate and then handed the fruit over to
Adam to eat.  Adam was taken by complete surprise!  Why, just because
he was right there when the conversation was occurring; just because
he did not say anything – of course he was just being the “silent and
strong type of man” anyway we all know Eve was a “strong liberated
woman” what could poor little manly Adam do – so Adam was silent and
then of couse since she offered it to him he had to take it – what
else was he to do, she gave it up, it was right there, what would she
have thought of him if he said no – is he gay?  Oh, I’m sorry did I
switch the scene a little.  The opposite sex offers it up and you
don’t take it – you don’t lay down that pipe, show her who the man is
– she offered – you have no choice! You be the man and now – you have
to prove it!  Let the horizontal pogo stick dance begin!  Its your
duty right! You gay?

Just because its offered doesn’t mean you have to take it.  If I dared
you to “do it” with or without a physical protection – condom – would
you?  Prove you are righteous, that God is with you.  He will forgive
you right? And he promises to protect you.  And anyway if he REALLY
loves you He will heal you.  I think I know where the next healing
revival is located.  Anyway who will know?  And by the way, that one I
want to be with is a Christian too.  They are religious too!  Are we
not blessed – a righteous field to plant my seed in!  See it says she
has already given her sacrifice at the temple and has the meat for
sharing just for you (vs 14)  and at her home she has made all things
ready – okay, today’s day and time you know where the motel is and
Motel 6 promises that they will always “leave the light on for you.”
They are ready the bead is prepared, smells awesome! (vs 16 -17).

Oh I missed something this is ONLY for you.  You are the only one –
for tonight – okay, for the hour – okay, we may run a “train” so, not
really the ONLY one but don’t worry she only has eyes for you . . .
well I think it is you she is looking at . . . (vs15) Anyway she came
out looking for you, isn’t that worth something – the perfume, the
push-up bra, fake eyelashes, padded underwear and stretch lycra
designer jeans.  Its all for you.  You owe her, right? She’s offering
and no one will be home for ours – the one she truly should be with is
gone or if she is still single – he isn’t in her life yet, so who
cares right? (vs 18-20).  And boy can she talk!  She is sooo smooth
and cool.  She could talk the pants off . . . wow! That’s exactly what
she is trying to do (vs 21).  And now . . .

“All at once he followed her . . .”

“ALL AT ONCE . . . “  Really?  NO REALLY?  REALLY!!??!!

NOT AT ALL!  This has been in the works for a long time.  Funny thing
is we are not going to like the result (see the rest of the Proverbs).

So how do we keep from the “All at once . . . “ fatal screw (I started
to say “screw up” but it really is the other).  Go to the first four

“My son, keep my words  (do the word) and store up my commands within
you. (memorize scripture). Keep my commands (“flee sexual immorality”
– look it up) guard my teachings as the apple of your eye (don’t just
sit quietly when others are attacking your moral stance stand up for
what you believe – don’t just not do it – let them know WHY you are
not doing it – protect the truth within you – remember how you argued
that the Redskins would make a comeback after loosing 6 games in a row
– use that passion!). Bind them on your fingers (get a ring or a
colored band wear it as a reminder), write them on the tablet of your
heart (meditate on the word – uuummmm  ummmm ummmmmm when focusing on the word of God really does work – the monks know something).  Say to
wisdom, “You are my sister,” (if your sister was amongst a bunch of
sex crazed hungry men just released from prison would you ever leave
her side?  Would you not be observant of everything thing going on?
You would stay alert?  Do this) and call understanding your kinsman.
(okay beside her is your baby brother – half of the men there are on
the prowl homosexuals – I think you won’t be separated from either of
them will you?  And you have to have significantly more understanding
of how the same sex will be recruiting or trying to get your brother –
wisdom and understanding – seek and apply them both).


I would write about Psalm 7 but no time left to do so.  Take note that
these words apply to any sin also.  Sin rarely enters our life “all at
once . . .” No there is quite a prelude up to it, a prelude which we
are often willing participants.  But we don’t have to be . . .  God
has given us the tools.  He has laid out the map.  Where we have
fallen before, we don’t have to again.

Do it His way and you will never find yourself saying . . . “All at once . . .”

Love yah,
Proverbs 6                                                                                                         

Good morning my son, my daughter,
Later today I will get on the scales and weigh myself.  I know that I will not like what I see.  I will act like I am surprised.  But in reality I am not. 
Reality.  What is reality?
From my earliest belief in God I came to a conclusion that reality is what God says is real.  It is what God, through His word, confirmed by His Holy Spirit says is what is really there, what is really going on, what is really going to happen.  Thus when you seek God for His direction you may find it is based upon something that you didn’t see or know.  In fact it starts with the proper perspective of yourself in relationship to him.  Living in this proper perspective affects how you interact with your fellowman.
Proverbs 6: 16-19 this is what leaped off of the pages for me this morning. 
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him:  haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that hurry to run to evil, a lying witness who testifies falsely, and one who sows discord in a family.”
Remember that we are learning how to look at what God shows us, and in so doing we use a several means of doing so.  One of the means we discussed before was to make bold or underline the words which leap out of the passage, like I did above.  Now that may help somewhat for you see them a little clearer.  As this is a listing, perhaps it may help to list them out.  To examine any similarities between them:
So the Lord hates 7 things:
1.      Haughty (or proud) eyes;
2.      Lying tongue;
3.      Hands that shed innocent blood;
4.      Heart that devises wicked plans;
5.      Feet that hurry to run to evil;
6.      Lying witness;
7.      One who sows discord in a family
I underlined some similarities above.  Immediately we see body parts (although the “heart” we know from previous discussions is more than just a body part but the inner core of a man from which His true self flows out of).  Each of these parts are acting in a particular way. Look closely – they are not evil in themselves.  The verses note an act or position of theirs that is evil. 
The eyes are viewing things from a position of pride -The tongue is speaking lies -The Hands are shedding innocent blood -The heart is devising wicked plans -The Feet are hurrying to run to evil.  It is important to catch this distinction when looking at a passage for if you don’t you may miss the truth inside – for example.  “The love of money is the root of all evil.”  Is money evil – NO.  The love of it is. In fact this Proverbs gives a lot of advise about how to handle money, including how to gain wealth.  If money itself were evil God would not tell you how to get more of it or how to preserve and keep what you have, would he? (see verses 6-11)
Now let’s look closely at what is the underlying problem with what each member is doing.  Now this may be a little harder to see.  What do each of these positions or actions hated by God have in common.  One way of doing this is to throw out a couple of ideas and see if they stick.  But you, smart as you are, have already figured out it I am sure from the “hint” I gave you at the beginning of today’s “GW?” - A denial of reality – reality as God says it is.  Walk with me . . .
Haughty or proud eyes denies the reality of a God who is over all.  How do you “consider the heavens from where your help comes from – my help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth” (look it up).  To have proud eyes is to deny the truth of the reality that God is in control, He alone is all powerful.  We must bow and submit to His will, His order, His love for us.
A lying tongue says that you do not abide by God’s truth, and you do not respect the wonderful being – God’s creation – that is yourself and the one you are lieing to.  See you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (look it up).  You “lie to the one you hate” (look it up). How can you “love your neighbor as yourself” when you do not tell yourself the truth about yourself or lie to others?  When you deny God’s reality in your life and in the situation?
Hands are not to shed innocent blood.  Such actions deny the reality which God is in the business of establishing on this earth, a reality which says:  “Vengence is mine, I will repay.” (ok – by now you know – look it up). A reality which God says is proper and just.  Read the story of Cain and Able.  Did not his blood cry up to the Lord?
Is a heart to devise wicked plans or is it to be full of the glory of God?  The love of the father?
Are feet to run to do evil or good?  What action supports and confirms God the master and creator of reality?
Okay, I admit this understanding takes a little work.  But if you think about it:  If God hates these things then his hatred of these things IS reality, and the reality in our life will be that He will deal with us if we do not act in accordance with this warning.  Man’s reality may say that we get ahead by doing these things, God’s says – NO WAY!
Oh, and as for the last two – a lying witness who testifies falsely and one who causes division amongst brothers -  all of the previous can be used in the completing of these evil actions and these more closely deal with the broader community you live in.  A false witness in court can send someone to death  and one who causes division between brothers destroys lasting relationships which can affect generations to come.
Now this is just what I saw.  But the beautiful thing about God is that He, through His Holy Spirit, will lead you into all truth.  All of the ways of looking at a passage do not guarantee a particular understanding.  What this GW? is about is hearing from God.  Letting Him speak to you through His word.  Experiencing God for yourself.  Directly. 
So . . . You read the chapter.  You write down what leaps off the page.  Take a close look at the words.  Dig and try to find similarities and dissimilarities.  Ask God to enlighten you as to what He is trying to say to you about the reality of His love and life in and for you, this morning.  He has a delicious meal ready for you.
Love yah,
PS:  I did not forget about Psalms – you can do Psalms 6 a confession of faith with God.  Don’t need me.  Seek Him.