8At Lystra a man was sitting who had no strength in his feet, lame from his mother’s womb, who had never walked.9This
man was listening to Paul as he spoke, who, when he had fixed his gaze
on him and had seen that he had faith to be made well,10said with a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet.” And he leaped up and began to walk.11When
the crowds saw what Paul had done, they raised their voice, saying in
the Lycaonian language, “The gods have become like men and have come
down to us.”12And they began calling Barnabas, Zeus, and Paul, Hermes, because he was the chief speaker.13The priest of Zeus, whose temple was just outside the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates, and wanted to offer sacrifice with the crowds.14But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they tore their robes and rushed out into the crowd, crying out15and
saying, “Men, why are you doing these things? We are also men of the
same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn
from these vain things to a living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the seand and all that in in them.
Acts 14:5-8
Oftentimes we find ourselves in the presence of some very charismatic leaders. We clearly see God's hand in their lives. In fact, we see them do miracles of their own.
I must pause for a moment and point out that the miracles were not for the believers but for the unbelievers. God did such so that those who did not believe might believe. If you start reading at the top of the chapter you will see that Paul and Barnabas had been in the area and that many miracles were being done resulting in many persons believing.
In my life I have had the opportunity to experience God's miraculous power on numerous occasions. I have shared some of those stories to many over the years . . . proposal to a woman I never dated per the word of the Lord, her acceptance and our marriage of now over 26 years . . . twins when the doctor said we could not have any kids . . . money provided at the last moment from a source I had no knowledge of, just to name a few. In addition God has used me to pray His prayer, speak His word and see His miracles in others lives. So some might come to believe that I have a greater connection, a secret handshake or covenant with the Almighty. I myself would raise the question as to whether instead I needed to have a deeper belief in Christ, if God was not trying to draw me closer.
Hmmm. But that can be the subject of a different day . . . .
For today though let's focus on why we would think another is more spiritual. Our pastors, our evangelists, our deacons, teachers, parents, mentors and even friends. We believe that some have a closer connection with God. That even though we may know that the word says if you draw closer to God He will draw closer to you. But for a moment, think about who that person may be in your life. How do you know who that is in your life, . . . just think who do you run to to ask for prayer when you are in trouble. . . yeah . . . that's the one. But there is a message found in these verses.
First, it was not just the person speaking, Paul, it was the faith of the individual in the living word of God, that made the difference - that made the crippled man stand and walk. But we run to the Paul's in our lives normally not because we believe they have the power but because we believe they know the one who does and that one will hear their prayers. But the source of the power is as it has always been God, Christ, the Holy Spirit. We who approach God must believe that He is able and willing to show forth His love in addressing our need. We bring our brokenness to Him the one and only one who can put us back together. That is the first thing we must learn from this passage.
Second, We must recognize that the man is just a man, not God. See God may speak through Him but it is only through Him. The man remains a vessel. And if the vessel is not willing to allow Christ to fully flow through him, well the message may come out a little perverted. This is the reason you should pray and seek the Lord as to what is said to you, prayed for and over you. You should study the word for yourself . . . you and I should each wrestle with the truth. It is not enough to simply sit at the feet of a good teacher, preacher, leader or otherwise . . . you must know Christ and His Spirit for yourself. Put their words before His word. Remember, the man of God is still, just a man with like passions as yourself. Lesson two.
Third, it is always the desire of a true man of God that the focus be on the God not the man. If that is not true in the one you are following, then you need to question is it really from God that the words are coming. See I hope that when I tell the story of my life, of God's intervention and integrated workings within it that you do not hear or see me as the power, wisdom or understanding, but Him. He directed the proposal. He directed the answer. He healed my wife's body and blessed us with twins. He touched another to call and give $3000 without my seeking the person, only the Lord. God, not me. My desire is not that one sees me as the source of anything good but instead that they see Him. I am only the canvas He chooses to paint His masterpiece. Lesson three.
Over the years I have happily shared what God has done with numeorus examples. What I have found is that sometimes the person walks away thinking "that is so good for him, but God would not do that for me." And to be honest they may be right . . . Because God will do for them what THEY need, in HIS unique way, designed specifically for them to know His love for them! But love them . . . YES undoubtedly Christ will show HIS overwhelming love for them . . . for me . . . for you.
See the people in Lystra got it wrong and Paul and them had to correct them. Paul paid a high price for setting them straight . . . read on in the book and you will see.
Like all pastors I am nothing but a man. Others can do what I do better than I. What is important is that you and I bring our needs to the Lord, trusting and believing in Him that HE will act on our behalf. That we see even the man of God as a man, and God . . . Well that we always see God as God.
Got word?
Love yah,
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