The Faithfulness of God -- Our Key to Open our prison doors
“The heavens praise your wonders, O
Lord, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones.
For who in the skies above can compare
with the Lord? Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings? In
the counsel of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more
awesome than all who surround him. O Lord God Almighty, who is like
you? You are mighty, O Lord, and your faithfulness surrounds you.”
Psalms 89:5-8
Who is like you? Your faithfulness.
The other day I met a new brother, one
who spoke to me about the faithfulness of God, and in so doing showed
me the way out of a path of sin I have struggled with for years. And
before you start imagining and judging me may I remind you that we
all have “that sin” - you know, the one which always so easily
trips you up. He asked me to go back to when I first remember doing
“that sin” and think of why I did. He asked me to think of how
and when I have success over it. To quickly ponder. The reason was
became very clear as to why. It also became very clear as to the
path out; the path to more victory than defeat.
Not my faithfulness but God's. See I
realized that I have fallen and struggled so often for “that sin”
because I begin to doubt that God is who He has said and proven He
is in my life. I question His truly doing what He has said that He
will do. In short, I doubt His faithfulness and love for me.
If God is not faithful than I can
afford not to be also. Right? It just makes sense. Because if He
isn't then I have to take care of my own needs, my own desires, my
own hurts and healings, my own scraps and mess-ups, my own
relationships screw-ups, my own financial hurdles and challenges, my
own health crises, my own ____________ (you fill in the blank with
your own). If I can not trust Him to be faithful to me, I must needs
be unfaithful to Him. Otherwise my needs go unmet. So the path to
my freedom is not focussing on my unfaithfulness but on God's
faithfulness; on remembering how fatihful He has been. In thanking
Him for meeting my ____________ (you fill in the blank).
If God is faithful, and rest assured
that He is, then we can be faithful too.
My eyes have swollen with tears this
morning as I have thought of the faithfulness of God in my life. In
doing so I feel the doors of the prison of sin being opened – a
door which He already made open through the sacrifice of His son
Jesus Christ who paid the price for my release, for my sin, for my
“The heavens praise your wonders, O
Lord, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones.
For who in the skies above can compare
with the Lord? Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings? . .
I will praise His wonders with the
heavens, His faithfulness is my path to mine to Him. Oh how He loves
you and me to give us a path for victorious life that is dependent
first and foremost on His love and faithfulness to us – a love and
faithfulness which NEVER ends and is ALL encompassing!
Oh how He loves YOU and ME! Got Word?
Love yah